What do you think about the problem of obesity in America? For me, I think it is so messed up how people keep eating and eating and eating without any form of exercise. I really don't like it when obese people say they want to diet, but then go to McDonalds and order a Large BigMac meal and a diet coke because they are on a diet . . .It just aggravates me how they feel like victims, when in fact they are the ones hurting themselves.
Big Macs are good, lol just some people need to lay off. If they have to have McDonalds every meal they should at least get something with less than a million calories.
Its not only that people go to McDonalds every week (and I hate it when people blame it on fast food companys as it is not always their fault [I am not defending them])
It's.. People eat, eat.. eat... and never go out for a jog,bike or walk, they just sit around watching tv/console/pc.
I dont live in USA, but I know, I hve seen it on TV.
You can eat fast food, as long as you work it off.
when obese people say they want to diet, but then go to McDonalds and order a Large BigMac meal and a diet coke because they are on a diet
Their idea of a diet is shameful.
There are many American obese. I am not American, but I have read the statistics.
Obesity is bad. Eating and eating without any way of burning calories does nothing. Many people who are obese also tend to be lazy or sedentary. People can only blame themselves for gaining weight due to overeating, unless of course, one suffers from a medical condition.
And now kids are watching their parents eat and getting fat, so in return, they follow their parent's eating habits, therefore causing another generation of obese people.
Ya Ive noticed at my school that alot more people are overweight and cant run nearly as far as I can in Gym (and thats really sad because I have asthma)
I live in Utah, the child obesity level isn't that high because we can go outside and play. Whereas, in New York, child obesity is one of the highest places in the USA, because they can't go outside and play without running the risk of being hit by a car, asked to buy drugs, and the other dangers of New York.
I live where it rains alot, almost 8 months straight starting in September, with only a few days of sunshine here and there and there are quite a few fat people.
My dad went to highschool in the desert and he told me that if you ever saw a fat kid in the desert there was a problem with something.
It really depends on area I guess, but the fact that it is a determinant means that there is a problem with obesity. I think that it is also the parents though, they dictate what activities their kids do and what they eat so they should be doing something.
Yeah,in the desert there aren't that many fat kids because the weather's always sunny,and they are very active cuz in the desert,no one remembers your name and there aint no one for to give you no pain. Na Na Na NA Na Na NA NA NA Na Na...
The problem is that children should get involved in sports and eat healthy. Many kids "lay" games sport related only at the computer and that's quite sad. ):
Obesity is a lifestyle. That's what happened in my family, generations of people who didn't know how to cook healthy, let alone be healthy in general. I remember being a little kid not knowing anything about eating a balanced diet, and Mom didn't know either because she wasn't taught. Now seeing my grandfather die of an obesity related illness, I'm learning how to be active and healthy.
@Frylock19. Living in the desert doesn't mean a thing. I'm a desert rat, born and raised in Death Valley... Didn't help at all.