Stalin was pretty much a terrorist more than anything else, enslaving 1/6 of the earth's land under a strict communist rule. However, Stalin's five year plans and pushes for industrialization might have saved the world from another harsh regime that sought to take over the world by storm and cleanse ethnic minorities. Stalin's rule brought Russia from a Czarist farmland to a modern super power, and thanks to his regime Hitler, and fascism was crushed for good. Do you think that the economic development communism brought to Russia justified the terror it brought? Do you think there would be a world with any democracy had Stalin not pushed the people of Russia so hard and got the place running in time to top the spread of Nazism?
Do you think that the economic development communism brought to Russia justified the terror it brought?
While sacrifice is necessary sometimes for advancement, I think that millions of human lives should be exception.
Do you think there would be a world with any democracy had Stalin not pushed the people of Russia so hard and got the place running in time to top the spread of Nazism?
There would have been demoracy anyway. Stalin didn't stop the spread of Nazism, he helped a little but it was mostly the US.
A little bit? The Soviet Union lost 23,100,000 people, that's 13.71% of it's entire population. Not only that, Hitler commited and lost the largest invasion force of 3,000,000 troops for the conquest of just the Soviet Union. The Russians played a huge part in stopping Hitler.
Also, the Soviets were the ones who took Berlin in 1945.
23,100,000 persons died. With the total pre-war population of the country being about 170,000,000, the loss constitutes about 10â"15% of the population. Russia was attacked by the Axis with extreme brutality. It's irrelevant if Russia or USA helped more, when so many humans died and Nazism was stopped.
Communism doesn't have to be justified. It's an ideology based on ideas of peace and unity. The fact that it showed as freedom limiting totalitarian regime is another thing. I wouldn't like to comment economical influence of communism in Russia since I don't know much about it and it would be hard to say how would Russia look today it wasn't a socialist state after WWII.
I would have rather lived under Stalin than the Tsar. The people under the Tsar were just as oppressed, but much poorer. If the Russian empire survived past 1917, there is no way it would have stopped Nazi Germany. Granted, Stalin could have been less brutal; but the Soviet Union ultimately beat the Third Reich.
Communism doesn't have to be justified. It's an ideology based on ideas of peace and unity. The fact that it showed as freedom limiting totalitarian regime is another thing.
I agree.
Do you think there would be a world with any democracy had Stalin not pushed the people of Russia so hard and got the place running in time to top the spread of Nazism?
Yes I do. History would be different to varying degrees.
Stalin was indeed brutal. He must be given credit for being able to resist and counterattack the Germans in WWII.
Stalin's rule brought Russia from a Czarist farmland to a modern super power, and thanks to his regime Hitler, and fascism was crushed for good.
Stalin brought the USSR to great strength, so that is a good thing. He partially (not entirely) was responsible for the collapse of Hitler.
Do you think that the economic development communism brought to Russia justified the terror it brought?
By all means, no. Well, at least there was economic development. Terror alone is much worse than progress at the price of terror.
doubt it. There could have been much better ways to industrialize Russian society that did not include putting that man in charge of the country.
that is very true. and most democratic countries, developped much faster after ww2, and the communist countries stagnated and stopped developing at a certain point
the communist countries stagnated and stopped developing at a certain point
I agree with you, the scientific and economic development of the Soviet Union was very quick, at some point their technology was advance even more than the USA, but after that they stopped advancing and developing.