Stalin was pretty much a terrorist more than anything else, enslaving 1/6 of the earth's land under a strict communist rule. However, Stalin's five year plans and pushes for industrialization might have saved the world from another harsh regime that sought to take over the world by storm and cleanse ethnic minorities. Stalin's rule brought Russia from a Czarist farmland to a modern super power, and thanks to his regime Hitler, and fascism was crushed for good. Do you think that the economic development communism brought to Russia justified the terror it brought? Do you think there would be a world with any democracy had Stalin not pushed the people of Russia so hard and got the place running in time to top the spread of Nazism?
Actually, because Stalin had absolute power, he made decisions very fast. If anyone disagreed, they would be shot and replaced. If Russia was a democratic nation it would have taken very long to become an industrialized nation. Stalin did what the United States took hundreds of years to do in a matter of decades.
Actually, because Stalin had absolute power, he made decisions very fast. If anyone disagreed, they would be shot and replaced
Yes, which he did to the over 90% of the officer corp of the Red Army which directly lead to the incompetence seen at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa which in turn lead to Russia squandering it's advantage in trained men, machinery, and equipment.
If Russia was a democratic nation it would have taken very long to become an industrialized nation. Stalin did what the United States took hundreds of years to do in a matter of decades.
Perhaps if the United States and other nations hadn't been bothered with first creating all of the technology that allowed for the complete industrialization and instead bought it like the USSR did they too could have done it in just a few years. You forget that there are many nations that industrialized quickly, Japan did it, Russia did it, and multitudes of other African, Asian, and South American countries did it.
Perhaps if the United States and other nations hadn't been bothered with first creating all of the technology that allowed for the complete industrialization and instead bought it like the USSR did they too could have done it in just a few years. You forget that there are many nations that industrialized quickly, Japan did it, Russia did it, and multitudes of other African, Asian, and South American countries did it.
The Soviet Union created a lot of innovative technologies that western nations generally became ignorant of. The Soviets introduced the PPSH, which was a sub machine gun made from stamped parts. The PPSh was extremely durable, more durable than any weapon the United States or Europe ever produced. As was the Soviet AK-47, which is so simple to build and so reliable that it's used in over 50 countries today. The Soviets also developed the MiG-29 fighter plane r; something that could out fly any U.S jet besides the F-22. The MiG-29 was capable of doing maneuvers that would absolutely destroy U.S. jets like the F-16 or the F-15c. Later the Russians would develop the Su-27, another plane with amazing air combat skills. The F-22 was a response to the Soviet's high performance planes.
Of course, it was the best designed tank of the entire war in terms of how easy it was to produce and how well mixed its preformance, armor and firepower was.
One on one it would get crushed my the Tiger tank however there were more than 10 t-34s for every german tank so :P!!!
Do you think that the economic development communism brought to Russia justified the terror it brought? Do you think there would be a world with any democracy had Stalin not pushed the people of Russia so hard and got the place running in time to top the spread of Nazism?
I think that the oppression of the successive Tsars, Alexander III and Nicholas II justified a change of system. Whether their negligence was worse than Lenin and Stalin's brutality, I'm not so sure. Statistically speaking, far more people were executed/worked to death by the communist regimes than under the Tsarist. However when you factor in the numbers people killed by careless food policies during the 1890s and early 1900s as well as the terrible running of WW1, it is pretty close to call.
With regards to WW2, I have no doubt the Tsar would have acted just as brutally as Stalin and pushed the Russian people just as hard. Whether or not he would have been as successful as Stalin is doubtful judging from his inept leadership during the first world war.
I digress, in answer the original questions:
Do you think that the economic development communism brought to Russia justified the terror it brought?
Any ideology that requires the sacrifice of millions of lives is not an ideology worth supporting in my opinion.
Do you think there would be a world with any democracy had Stalin not pushed the people of Russia so hard and got the place running in time to top the spread of Nazism?
If Russia hadn't been so prepared and surrendered, I do not doubt the Nazis would have won the war in Europe. However, as I stated earlier in my post, I do not necessarily think that the communist regime under Stalin would be the only one willing and able to push it's people so hard.
Either way though, when you think about it, democracy woud have existed in other parts of the world regardless of the outcome of the war in Europe ie., America, South America. In addition, what the Soviet victors brought to Eastern Europe was elitist tyranny, so I think it's pretty hypocritical to claim they were the saviours of democracy.
Sure Russia needed this but it still doesn't excuse the fact that what Stalin did to his people was horrendous and inhuman. I think it was acceptable during ww2 but not after.