i don`t know if any of you have heard this,but they are planning to join Canada,the u.s. and Mexico together!that would be disastrous! there would be so many Mexicans working for such low prices,every1 in canada and the u.s. would lose their jobs! what does every1 else think?
The North American Alliance...? Besides there's way to much crime in Mexico, if we merged we would spend so much time and effort trying to stamp out the gangs and drug cartels there it'd be like another war.
I find this source to be a cess pool of rumors, gossip, and "what if" level possibilities. To put it more simply, it's pure bull shit. The only thing i do agree with is that it would be quite disastrous and catastrophic to merge three countries together in such a way. What are the benefits? As you said yourself, not to be racist, there would be so many Mexicans working for such low prices, and the other two nations would be completely ruled out by cheap labor.
Wouldnt it be a hassle with canada anyways? I mean, canada just wouldnt merge into 1...there would have to be some sort of agreement with all the territories right?
Wouldnt it be a hassle with canada anyways? I mean, canada just wouldnt merge into 1...there would have to be some sort of agreement with all the territories right?
Well duh! Canada isn't just going to say "okay sure I will join." There would be a huge hassle that would take at least 2 years. But if we did we would annihilate everyone in the world.
Well duh! Canada isn't just going to say "okay sure I will join." There would be a huge hassle that would take at least 2 years. But if we did we would annihilate everyone in the world.
lol yeah,but if we were all joined, there would be majorrr issues, like is the canadian prime ministter, the president, or the mexican leader guy going to own the whole place. there would be power issues, and i doubt all 3 would be able to work together, there are also issues of racisim and hatred and stuff like taht
lol yeah,but if we were all joined, there would be majorrr issues, like is the canadian prime ministter, the president, or the mexican leader guy going to own the whole place. there would be power issues, and i doubt all 3 would be able to work together, there are also issues of racisim and hatred and stuff like taht
I hope you know that the second part of what I said was a joke. And I agree with you dp6969. There would be major confusion with leaders and racism.
I think that the topic starter of this is making a huge mistake and taking something factual, WAY out of its concept. I believe either Reagan or H.W. Bush signed with the leaders of Canada and Mexico to inspire an immense amount of trade. It was called like, the North American Trade Union or something. But i still doubt that America would join with two other natins *snap* like that. or even if, they all mutually joined. A lot of laws would have to be made, somebody wouldnt like the other's government, and yada yada yada.