We recently got a few installed in my city, and already we have people protesting them because "it's just a way for the city to make money." Personally I think their brilliant and laugh every time I see the people who protest them. Anyway I just wondered what the AG community though about them.
Also if you don't know what they are, they're cameras (well yea..) that are placed beside lights or areas where speeding is common that take a picture of your license plate if you run a red light or are speeding. Then you get a ticket in the mail (for my city it's $100, and it does NOT go on your driving record.)
I think that they're a good idea, but you shouldn't get fined every time it catches you. They should expect that no matter what they do, everyone is going to run a red light at least once. Installing those and catches the people every single time is just going to make people mad, and it's not really going to help.
However, if it happens more than twice within a few weeks or months then the person should definitely be fined and the cameras are doing their job.
Well in one month we had 20,000 infractions and seeing how our city has a population of 7,000 people well I think we need them.
Wow, that's insane. I suppose your city does need them. I don't think mine would though. We have 100,000 and I've never noticed anyone doing anything too crazy.
Wow, that's insane. I suppose your city does need them. I don't think mine would though. We have 100,000 and I've never noticed anyone doing anything too crazy.
We have some pretty bad drivers I'm not going to lie. Also we did have a month where no tickets were sent out as a way for people to get used to it.
The problem is that these photo cameras are so sensitive that they also photograph right turners (which is a perfectly legal move). I've gotten 3 tickets for right turns and had to go to court to fight them. It's annoying.
Not only that, it's an invasion of privacy. The government can track your car with this technology and know where you are.
If you're that dead-set on driving like a crazy person, you can figure out where all of the cameras are installed, and then speed or run lights in all of the locations where they aren't installed.
I'd say I support them. I mean.. there are speed limits.. you're not supposed to run red lights - they are laws that people are supposed to follow.
As for this:
it's an invasion of privacy, i think privacy privilege should not be breached for safety
Not only that, it's an invasion of privacy. The government can track your car with this technology and know where you are.
Technically speaking, those are public roads. It's not private property, and you don't have privacy in those locations, so I wouldn't call that invasion of privacy.
But in all seriousness I really don't get that. HD got it right though
Technically speaking, those are public roads. It's not private property, and you don't have privacy in those locations, so I wouldn't call that invasion of privacy.
Technically speaking, those are public roads. It's not private property, and you don't have privacy in those locations, so I wouldn't call that invasion of privacy.
Most crimes happen in private buissnesses. But if we nationalized those places there would be no problems!
Public traffic cameras are a good idea so long as they aren't going make the tax payer's pockets a whole lot deeper.
They are just devices for councils to get some easy money from. Their isn't any conclusive evidence that they save lives and some counties in Enlgand have started to take them down. And too be honest they aren't that reliable. Some types get confused if you change lanes and others will snap you if you are being over taken.
I love it on Top Gear when they talk about them. (not advocating this) you can put bulders foam in them which breaks them or put cling film over the lense. The police can't see it but it blurs the picture. lol