I like the atremis fowl, the hunger games, the alex rider series, the gregor the overlander series, the olympians, the inheritance series and books by harry turltedove he writes awesome alternate history books. Also like ender series and the dune books.
The Enders game series kinda died for me after the one from his perspective, and the one from beans perspective. Inheritance trilogy (or whatever it is now) is fun to read, but it's getting really long winded.
Haha there are probably a lot of things, but there is no need to really explain I guess that was really a rhetorical question. Anyways I just don't know exactly why I don't like it I just don't.
Haha that was good Smith, I do dislike that about our generation. It seems to me the only people i know who read voluntarily are girls. I'm not being stereotypical just pointing out a trend I've noticed.
So true, there are hardly any people that read because they want to. This generation is horribble, I am actually a bit depressed that I have to grow up with these people. It's the sad truth.
I told a friend of mine that I was going to read, and his exact words were "Dude you actually read?" he seemed so surprised. On top of that I've heard people in my English class be forced to read out loud and I'm pretty sure I could've done better in the third grade.
Yeah same here, I was constantly reading when I was young like first grade I started reading nonstop, nothing much has changed there haha. And like ya'll (sorry I'm from Texas) say when people are asked to read in English class they are like "Read, what do you mean 'Read'?" and when they read its horribble, there are only like three good readers in my class the rest seem to be illiterate. And the three people that are good readers are also the only ones who constantly have a book in their hands at all times. I told my friend I was reading one day and I got a similar response "Why are you going to read?"