This is a rather basic question that I happen to find myself asking sometimes. What is your opinion? State which you think would've come first and give a good reason as to why. I don't know if there has already been a thread on this, but I apologize if there has.
The answer to this question is very simple, the egg came first. The ascendant of the chicken, obviously layed the first egg(which is of the same species as chicken nowadays).
if your christian it is egg or chicken, because there could have been a chicken egg, god kept it warm and when it hatched, god gave it food. but with evolution, it can only be the egg
its the egg, because like said before, a chicken like animal layed an egg, witch was a genetic mutation, and that egg from a species like a chicken developed into the first real chicken too exist.
And once again this goes back to religion. I am not sure what happened but if scientists can prove it came from some dinosaur or turkey or sumetin...then I will believe that.