75/100 solid post count, however i do not know u apart from the quick scan of ur prof and comments but i cant say there is anything that struck me as "im evil and unfriendly"
100/100 although u bring the hammer down at unnecessary times, u are still a good friend of mine. i hold nothing against u. also the fact that u do nothing but help people is a great contribution
Hmm, I don't see you often in the forums but you do have a large posts count.
I have read your guides and I must say they are magnificent. I'll give you respect for that; I've also went through some old threads and read some of your posts, you make good posts.
I think I read somewhere that you created that eye Armatar you're currently using, that's neat.
But I thought you loved me Delos? We were great together back then! :'( You have a broad, varied knowledge about music and actually know what is good! Your post count is massive for your rank and you are a pretty active guy. My rating today will be a 9.1/10!