On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
He didn't make sense either, lol.And that regard belongs in the similar topic , "Rate the above users fame"Not here.8/10Why?What's the reason not to respect someone? Everybody deserves some respect.Also you haven't done MUCH to me, you have a pretty high rank, and a good amount of posts.
oh sorry i went on your profile and i was looking at it so i decided to look at your comments and a member named freakenstein is telling you to reply to your posts that applied to your threads
9/10 for good moral beliefs reagrding respect.meh turn!
i got ninja'ed i meant mine for rangersoul5
Oh its alright i dont care 7/10
8.1/10You don't have to see me to respect me.I don't see chuck norris but i respect him xD.
9/10 for good reasoning and the same reason listed above O_O
Sorry then XD If you put it that way 8/10 your decent guy
haha! i ninja'ed you!!!7/10 for not respecting the respecting guy...
10/10 for saying i'm a decent guy, lol.alright i'll be off from this topic for a while xD
Completely neutral. 5/10.
Never really liked you. 6.5/10It's not nice, but truth never really is.
9/10Never was friends with you but I do really respect you.
i got ninja'd lolz.9.4/10 mad respect
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