On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Yeah i couldn't find a "Nice Topic, just kidding you fail" picture.lol
*Facepalm*Get back on topic kid =P
I have a picture for everything lol.Still 9/10
10/10 because that picture always makes me laugh
6/10.... never even heard of you. you newb. jkjkjk lol
9/10Poor wolf D=
hahahahaaha seen you a lots and in GoG 9/10
never even heard of you. you newb
9.5/10You generally are my favorite _____.
You have a lot of forum posts. 7/10 because I don't know you.(As a matter of fact, I only know one user here.)
Well since you're new, I guess 5/10 should do the trick.5 because you actually made an account on Ag, which is a respectful thing...I guess...Now show me what you're made of so I can respect you!
7/10. Love your drawings. And you seem like a nice enough guy.
Never really liked you. 6.5/10
I'll give you a solid 8.9/10Sometimes you can be a royal prick so not quite 9/10 much love =]]
I give you 7/10. You have a beautiful armatar and a lot of posts. And, I give fallensky 8/10
6/10 cause i dont know you at all
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