when i ty to cheat and lvl up it doesnt let me quit what's wrong?
u might be to slow
CHEAT!? How?
Are you clicking the exit button too slow?
its not workin for me either, when his health zero i pressed the red button and it quited, when i loaded it back up nothing had changed
I think krin took the cheat out
He might've taken it out but the stat up with items cheat still works
I think he fixed the cheat also. Well, good thing I used it to beat the game before he took it out.
He probably did fix it since there are like 5 walkthroughs that say SONNY CHEAT!!! lol
Cheaters.I finished many games without cheats ..
well no cheat?pass the game normally i used that and ruined the fun of lvling up and kill
i dont use cheats for online games. usually they are easy
huh easy? well play "The World's Hardest Game." Named so for a reason
even though he removed the lvling and money cheat you can still use the stats cheat and it works great makes the game really easy for you guys who want to cheat^^ like me xD (hitting for like 100000 with my guardian;P)
You need to press the X (i meen the quit button) when you have defeated the enemy the screen will fade away then press the quit button!
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