lol lmaos, currently there are only two usable glitches (not cheats). there is the stats cheat where you click the option, and the other is the equipment cheat. Note the stats cheat works on ALL characters regardless of class requirements.
Yes, you can beat the entire thing even zone 4 without cheats, except it'll take a while to get to about lvl 23~30.
Dont argue with me for the concept of whether it is actually a cheat or glitch. A glitch is an error in the game where something doesnt go as planned, where as a cheat is actually something the creator puts into the game for players to have a better gameplay or have something of a sandbox.
Also I forgot to say, do not re-spec when doing the stats cheat, it will revert EVERYTHING i do mean EVERYTHING besides your equiped stuff to your normal lvl.
Well, it might be kind of obvious to fix that problem, as, like MrMonkey said, many walkthroughs and posts that talk about the Sonny cheat. I'm not surprised he took it out, but I think it was a good idea. Cheating is fun to mess around with, but only after beating the game, IMHO.
Well, it might be kind of obvious to fix that problem, as, like MrMonkey said, many walkthroughs and posts talk about the Sonny cheat. I'm not surprised he took it out, but I think it was a good idea. Cheating is fun to mess around with, but only after beating the game, IMHO.
Have the same problem when it fades and I click it it says ring not blue or something wait till it my turn or something. When is the right time to click it and what does fade mean?
i dont think it works because it turns orange real quick...stat cheat get any thing that has a +(somethin)attribute.. go to inventory..grab it and take to green square at bottom left hand corner.. then put it in the attributes slot is and enjoy