Just reminds me of a few people who like to act like idiots because there is no consequence. There is a lawsuit going on right now about slander using twitter. Apparently, all public forums are subject to law. It's going to be really funny when 12 year olds get a knock on the door by the police for acting like fools online.
What do you think? Should you beable to say anything you want online?
Lol I call them internet tough guys, have you ever had the guy giving you his address because he wants to fight you and your laughing your head off because you live in a different country and your posting his address all over the internet.
Being in the Army, I move around a lot. Chances are, I'll be in your neighborhood at one point or another. I can't think of anything you could possibly say online to warrent a physical butt wooping though.
The lawsuit thing was slander. It violated freedom of speech. You may have seen it on TV, it's a woman who twittered that her apartment had mold in it, when it didn't. The land lord is suing to keep his good name. Not that I would want to live in an apartment were the land lord is that much of an *** **** *** **** **** ****.
responding to eThugs is like giving homeless people food
Giving homeless people food is great, would you rather have them die? eThugs and the homeless are completely different. eThugs (Internet Bullies) feed off of responses, the homeless take what they can get, so their not being a*ses about not getting enough food, they just are too unfortunate not too be able to get food themselves. That comment is offensive. But having these people die of hunger is cruel and wackjob-like