Since so many people are clueless to what Atheism really is let me explain in some quiet simple terms to anyone who is willing to read a paragraph or two.
And automatically this turns into a flame thread, it's not what I intended but with the help of some trolls it's inevitable.
Atheism: Most of us know that Atheism is the belief that there is no God, simple right? No. When people even hear the word atheism they think 'evil' I used to think that too, until I was about 8 and finally realized what atheism was, which is whats happening all over the country. Were not told what atheism means, just that it's bad, which breeds great prejudice into us. So when believers think about non-believers they basically white-out all of Atheist arguments, and won't shut-up about their own arguments, which about half of it is around the bible.
Libral: When unaffiliated people think of Liberal, they think democrat. When conservatives (right side) think of liberal, they think idiots. When educated people of liberal, they think open-minded, which is the base of being liberal. Heck, if you want to search Liberal the first thing you see is "Broad-Minded". It's strange people think "Broad or open-Mindedness" is a bad thing, don't we want to try new things? Don't we need to try new things? Liberals also think a lot alike, much like conservatives do. Were almost always pro-choice, pro-health, and pro something to let Mexicans become US citizens with out all the hassle. Liberals are much like the first generation X people, but more intelligent, and were not just trying to end the wars.
Let the flames die! Referring to the flaming that will happen.
He was pointing out the contradiction in the word itself. A theist.
If he has no concept of proper language structure or etymology, then I could see how he would come to that conclusion. For those of us who do... the word origins don't include such 'contradictions'.