K' I'm doing a small poll on socialism here are the questions:
1. On a scale from 0-10; 0 being communism and 10 being capitalism; where does socialism fall?
2. Considering the economical climate of the U.S. and a large majority of Europe, should these countries adopt a more socialistic approach to help the economy?
I'm no expert on socialism, but here's what I'd say
1. Probably around the middle.
2. Many more industries need to be nationalized. Not all, but a lot more. Especially the health care system, since more and more people aren't able to afford private health care.
3. Socialism is a good thing, if you ask me. In fact, I've been realizing how many of my ideals actually are socialist. I don't see what's wrong with it though. Unlike capitalism all the money doesn't go to the business owners who don't do a thing, but it isn't all equal like in Communism. If it's all equal no ones going to want to work, but in Socialism there's still the motivation to work.
It would be nice to explain socialism for those AG users who have not a clue >.< (not me lol)
1. in my mind 3-4 2. nooo... in a more socialistic i believe an economy would diminish due to over-regulating and human's strive to be #1 etc. etc. 3. good theory, bad real
Lol agreed. When I opened it up I was expecting a huge OP explaining why socialism is the best and asking why so many people are against it.
me too lol.
anyways I'd say probably a 5.
Should countries adopt socialism... a little bit yeah. I'm happy president Obama is going to have a public healthcare system available to people who are interested in it. I wouldn't call myself a radical socialist but...
I've been realizing how many of my ideals actually are socialist.
ya me too green.
anyways it's better than communism because in communism a doctor makes the same as someone flipping burgers. It's also better than capitalism because... well it just doesn't work >.> there's a reason America has had a recession or greater about every generation since its birth. We need to find a healthy balance between socialsim and capitalism... and whatever it's called well that would just be one of the best systems ever. (only system better would be the xbox360) lol.
1. 5 0r 6. 2. Capitalism could definitely benefit from some applications of socialistic principles. So yes. 3. Good overall - it's done lots of good in places like Scandinavia, but lots of bad in places like Russia. It's application in the world has been a bit of a mixed bag, but good overall.
2. Let me put it like this. Socialism is good for everything except economics, due to it's inherent lack of ability to deal with them. So to help our economy, no.
3. No, socialism is not good. It's not bad either. Nothing is good or bad. They all have their benefits and (insert acronym to benefits here). Like I said, bad for economies. Mostly because it can't handle one without destroying itself.
Socialism could be anywhere from a 3 to a 9. Socialism is so broad that it's too hard really to define it. We call Sweden a socialist country although there is are huge private sectors. Sweden is socialist because it has a few nationalized banks and companies while using universal health care and protectionism in trade. On the other hand, Cuba for example is a very socialist nation having almost everything besides small shops nationalized. New Lanark was also an almost completely different form of socialism compared with Sweden and Cuba. I do not think you could accurately poll socialism without getting multiple numbers.
sweden has more of a mixed system it is mainly capitalist, but with huge influence from socialism. it is similar to germany, but there they have less socialistic influences.
cuba is more what i would call to be close to real socialism
And socialism is kind of a mixed economy by itself..you're mixing what would be total state control with no state control. ( Pure capitalism and pure communism ). It's like a moderation of capitalism and communism if you will.