you cant know but its totally made up the world is not going too end on a foreseen date, the worst thing that will happen in the next decade will be a solar flare that's suppose too short circuit a lot of electronic devises
The end of the world will NOT happen anytime in the next 4-5 BILLION years. So unless we're going to live forever, I'd stop pretending that it's coming. Cause it's not.
Sorry, the sun won't ever go supernova. It's WAY to small. It'll just expand like a balloon, wiping out our atmosphere and evaporating the oceans, the recess into a white dwarf. It'll then stay that way for say, 10-15 billion years. It'll then become a black dwarf and last that way for the rest of eternity.
People at my school think the world will end when the mayan calendar does in 2012. Personally I think they just got bored they were like we wont need this for about another 2000 years and im bored lets go do something else. and then they were wiped out and never bothered to go any farther
Yes, the world as we know is going to end... idk when? Hopefully not on December 23rd 2012 like a lot of people think lol. I highly doubt that will happen but yeah at some point it's going to have to end =/
We'll all be long gone I think though. The only way way the human race can live on forever is if we find another habitable...(sorry I cant spell).... planet away from here... and no not mars because eventually that will be gone too. why? because in about 4.5 billion years... or 6.5? whatever it is the sun is going to destroy mercury - mars.
anyways ya, it's gonna be a LONG time before we have to worry about that.
As for the 'end of electricity'... umm.. I don't think electricity is something that can.. 'end'. It's a part of the natural world and producing it to boot is pretty easy once we learned how.