If it is, how will we know the real one when we see it? Even if we see one that says he was born in Kenya... it could also be a forgery, made to frame him. I can't believe this thread is still alive. If what Obama's presented isn't enough, then there's absolutely no way to prove himself.
they are both american citizens, his father is simply not born in the us. still a citizen. and as for the requirements for being president, i posted them earlier
But in order to be president, BOTH parents need to be an American citizen.
I don't get where people are getting this...
To be President you have to be a natural born American citizen, it doesn't matter where your parents where born or what country they are citizens of. The kids of Mexicans who run across the border are natural born citizens, even if the parents aren't.
True, but to be president of the United States, you have to be more than a U.S. citizen, you have to be a "natural born" citizen, or, in other words, born in the United States. Even with that technicallity, he is the President and he was born in Hawaii, so drop it. I voted for McCain (boos all around, right?) and I even think this is tired.
I Just Plain Don't Like The Guy, Anything He Says Is Just Wrong. He Can't Do Anything Right In My Mind. Really Hate The Stimulus Plan, We're All Screwed In A Few Years.
Instead of giving me fake birth certificates. SHOW ME THE NEWSPAPER. If they can't find him in the newspaper on the day he was born then he wasn't born in America.
Stop giving me the birth certificate and give me the newspaper.
(says in a tone in which you address 4 month old babies) Ahh.. It looks like some one has been watching Fox News. Ohh...Whats this...( picks a magazine out of the crib) Ahh how cute. Little IPwnU2Day has been reading National Enquirer too! How cute.