Anyway, what they did way back in the sixties and stuff was they posted all the births in the newspaper. So, if we could find the newspaper in the city that Obama was born in on that day it should have is name in there saying that he was born. That is how we can tell.
He was born in Hawai...The annoncement would have been in a Hawaian paper not the New York Times.
Obama's birth annoncements. You said that seeing the newspaper would satisfy you. If that's the case why didn't you look it up yourself. You would have found it. But it doesn't really matter anyway, the republican party will still dispute his right to hold the presidency.
@dudeguy45 I read the article you posted under the title "Suck it" and I have a couple things to say about that.
If the people who made the Constitution wanted the words they wrote in the 1780's to be the absolute letter of the law why did they make it so the Constitution could be Amended? They foresaw a time when some of the rules they penned would become out dated and need to be altered. They didn't expect the laws of the United States to stop evolving just because they signed their names and put down the pen.
Now for a direct qoute from the article.
So we can agree: Every word in the Constitution, no matter how oblique or arcane, is there for a reason and any president who violates it is gone, or our system collapses, strangers steal our mail, and our sons start playing with dolls.
Here are the main problems with that statement (useless the author is being sarcastic), strangers do steal peoples mail (it's one of the main ways people get the information needed to commit identity theft), and peoples sons do play with dolls, one of the most popular being a doll that goes by the name of G.I. Joe. People can throw around the phrase "action figure" all they want, but the fact is that I could call a Barbie an "actions figure" if I want and it would be correct, she is a figure and she can be used to imitate actions. I thought that article was quite hilarious actually. If you take it literally the author is says that no one who was born after the date of 1788 can legally be president. That would mean the Zachary Taylor was the last legal president and that the two who were in office before him (John Tyler and James K. Polk) were both ineligable. Here Presidential Birth Dates.
The last comment I will make is this: Could you have possibly come up with a more offensive title for your link?