ForumsWEPRTown meetings = angry mobs ?

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1,353 posts

First of all why is there not a thread about this yet ? Second of all don't play stupid with me , please don't . I want to know why you liberal activists think thees patriotic people who go to thees meeting angry mobs ? Why do you say that they are just angry maniac people ? When all they are doing is pronouncing there right of speech .

You know what I think , I think thees patriotic people are tired of there senators , congress , ect.. that keep lying to them! And the people aren't TEENAGERS there old people! You know why , because they are going to get hit the hardest right now from this idiotic health care bill .

Never mind I have two questions :

Do you believe thees people are angry mobs or patriotic people who care about America ?

Second do you think this health care plan should be passed or thrown in the garbage ?

  • 21 Replies
8,051 posts

As opposed to a private company official who has to care for the interest of his shareholders and therefore is inclined to deny requests?

when it's private you have the option of switching

Where are you getting this from?

if you have a question, Google it.

Who's talking about no competition, the Obama administration is constantly talking about introducing a government program to promote competition with the insurance industry and drive down costs.

if you have something run by one government. then it is controlled by one group. when things are controlled by one group with limited money:

the doctors get paid less
the quality goes down the drain because no one is competing for being a chosen doctor
doctors have less resources to help the patient with

(256 char on ps3 txtbox >_&lt
8,051 posts

Maybe we can finally cut military spending like we should have done after the fall of the USSR.

Right, 9/11 was a fluke! that's what japan said about first A-bomb. Obama passed two bills that cost 1.2 trillion within first 50 days of presidency.

Why is this?  Their health care plans won't change, and most of them won't see tax increases, so why will they now be unhappy?

their plans will be deleted and they'll be forced to get from govt. if they want healthcare. do you have any idea how much this will cost?
1,310 posts

Do you believe thees people are angry mobs or patriotic people who care about America ?

In this case, I don't see how there's a difference between the two.

Second do you think this health care plan should be passed or thrown in the garbage?

I think it should be passed, but I don't think it will.
4,097 posts

*ignores the first paragraph*

Yeah, I'm tired and I don't understand that. What are you trying to say?

And the people aren't TEENAGERS

Thanks for stereotyping.

Do you believe thees people are angry mobs or patriotic people who care about America ?

Goes back to me not getting that first paragraph <.< Are people who attend town halls angry mobs? No. I've never seen a mob form from a town meeting.

Second do you think this health care plan should be passed or thrown in the garbage ?

My opinion on health care is that it should be nationalized. I don't know much about Obama's plan, and I've never been able to find the actual document to read parts.

Rob Emanuel (Obama's spokeperson guy) told the public to report any other American that doesn't agree with Obama's health care plan so that they can be flagged as a national security threat.

Source? I'd just like to read more about this. If that's true, well Rob Emanuel is insane.
1,353 posts

Are people who attend town halls angry mobs? No. I've never seen a mob form from a town meeting.

Im still in wonder of how most liberals believe thees Americans are out of control and are causing havoc at thees meetings..
276 posts

Quick sidenote: I thought it was Rahm Emanuel not Rob.

Do you believe these people are angry mobs or patriotic people who care about America ?

I believe these people are patriotic people who care about America. Back in the 60's and 70's when there were anti war demonstrations, the media didn't call them angry mobs so why are these few people getting called angry mobs? It is just the people showing their dissatisfaction with the bill that the Dems are trying to shove down our throats.

Second do you think this health care plan should be passed or thrown in the garbage ?

I think it should be thrown in the garbage, put in a casket, and buried underground never to be seen of again. This is exactly what America DOES NOT need! We need to move AWAY from Socialism not move TOWARD it. It won't cut down on costs and it will also just cause people to lose their health insurance that they already have and are happy with. Why do you think that people from Canada and the U.K. come to America for cures to important diseases like cancer? It is because the government can't get to everyone in a timely manner. At the rate we are going, we will never be able to afford this bill. We are already trillions of dollars in debt thanks to the messiah himself. If you look at a majority of the American people, they already have said they don't want this bill to be passed through but for some reason OUR representatives don't listen to us. Everyone in the U.S. can get medical treatment if they can't afford it, and guess who gets to pay for the medical care? The taxpayers, who are also going to have to pay for what Obama proposes. If you look in the polls, representatives who are responsible for trying to get this bill passed have their poll numbers slipping. So as an American I would like to say that this is a democracy, and our representatives should treat it as one.

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