ForumsWEPRObamas Similarities to Hitlers Rise

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AHA! Gotcha. Thought I'm trolling. Well, I'm probably going to be taken that way, although I'm not. I'm just in an extremists point of view at the moment. Or not. Just want some (Most likely leftist) opinions here.

Anyone noticed a few similarities in Obamas' rise to the presidency. Probably not, although there are a couple slight similarities. Now I can see you wingnuts saying I'm comparing him to Hitler. Well, I'm not. So don't whine about that.

Now on topic. Anyone noticed a few similarities in his election? Such as hope, change, etc., then having him turn on half of those and then end up with a mess on his plate, and not being able to chew it because that was never his intention to make said mess and had a completely different goal all along? Then ends up with Mr. Health Care, something we'll never be able to afford, and we get another bigger mess? Then comes along restriction of free speech, which is his report your neighbor little ditty to flag them as a national security threat because they're against you?

I can see what's next >>.>>

Staying in tune with me far right rant, I'll say this: Bring in the death squads! Not really, kidding, don't.

Thoughts on my half sleeping pill induced rant?

I'm tired, I'll elaborate a little more later. Without all of this rightist rant.

  • 53 Replies
8,051 posts

@deserteagle you can presume a murderer is crazy when they think they're sane

i found a BIG similarity! they're both humans!!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

1,633 posts

My opinion of Sarah Palin:

Graham, you hit the nail on the head.

4,097 posts

Some would, just because they don't follow politics well and they'd like to see themselves represented in some way in the white house.

That's why I said most wouldn't. Of course there would be the ones that don't care, just want a woman in the white house.

The conservatives hate her, the liberals hate her, the commies hate her, the libertarians hate her, every one hates her except feminists.

Last time I checked, Hillary Clinton wasn't everyones scape goat. So now, you're wrong.

because no one in their right mind would say Obama is more evil than Hitler.

Evil in ones mind may be the complete opposite in another's. Hitler had reasons for everything he did, just reasons that society didn't accept.
1,455 posts

That's why I said most wouldn't. Of course there would be the ones that don't care, just want a woman in the white house.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, that's what the rest of the paragraph was supposed to be. My real point was that when they've already come into the news, of course most wouldn't. But when they suddenly appear, it's like a ray of hope for representing a minority. That's all I meant.
1,633 posts

Last time I checked, Hillary Clinton wasn't everyones scape goat. So now, you're wrong.

I didn't say that she was a scape goat. I just said that everybody groaned when she was appointed secretary of state.

Evil in ones mind may be the complete opposite in another's. Hitler had reasons for everything he did, just reasons that society didn't accept.

Agreed. It's like what Graham said. I'm sorry for the over reaction, I'm just pissed at chevy.
9,821 posts

@1984chevy: Do you really have a reason?

Also, how does he try to be black? I can honestly say that you're looking like you're ovherflowing with bulls**.

i just think that he is putting this country in a sinkhole.

He's increasing GDP at the cost of jobs. Increasing the GDP to normal levels will allow the companies to start rehiring. He's doing a more long-term fix, but a fix nonetheless.
4,097 posts

I wasn't disagreeing with you, that's what the rest of the paragraph was supposed to be. My real point was that when they've already come into the news, of course most wouldn't. But when they suddenly appear, it's like a ray of hope for representing a minority. That's all I meant.

Ahh, ok. I thought you were just getting off on a new topic with the rest of that post.

I didn't say that she was a scape goat. I just said that everybody groaned when she was appointed secretary of state.

Not really...a lot of people were happy. In politics if everyone hates a person they're most likely just the scape goat. Being unsatisfied and hating are two different things, especially in politics.

Also, how does he try to be black? I can honestly say that you're looking like you're ovherflowing with bulls**.

It's a lost cause man. I tried getting an answer out of him, nothing made sense.

cause there is no way to can come to a consensus like that by yourself.

You forget Fox News.
1,633 posts

This is weird, where the f*** is chevy!? We should just drop what chevy said cause it looks like he went back in to Neverland(home of the trolls) =)

4,097 posts

back in to Neverland(home of the trolls) =)

No! They all live under a bridge, in a nice cobblestone house. ChristianPatriot built it, and the rest have moved in over time.
1,633 posts

No! They all live under a bridge, in a nice cobblestone house. ChristianPatriot built it, and the rest have moved in over time.
Lol, Auzzini is the host of all the party's though.

I laughed at this.

Christianpatriot was the king amongst trolls. Auzzini was his queen, chevy is just a troll serf. But then Zophia, armed with the ban-hammer, came and slayed ChristianPatriot and destroyed the house of trolls. As of right now there is chaos among trolls and a new leader needs to arise from his ashes and lead the trolls into age of annoy the s*** out of regular people.
4,097 posts

Lol someone should make a story about the rise and fall of the AG trolls...

Anyway, to get this back on track. There have been a few similarities between the rise to power of both people. However, I don't think any of them are big enough to say that Obama's the next Hitler or anything. They both drew large crowds and focused on change and hope because that's what the people wanted. Also, they just happened to be able to convince people they could fix the economy.

9,821 posts

Also, about Hillary. . .she wouldn't have been a very good president imo, but she's not bad as Sec. of State - she already knows lots of foreign leaders pretty well, so she naturally would be a good pick to represent the USA in foreign talks and such.

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