AHA! Gotcha. Thought I'm trolling. Well, I'm probably going to be taken that way, although I'm not. I'm just in an extremists point of view at the moment. Or not. Just want some (Most likely leftist) opinions here.
Anyone noticed a few similarities in Obamas' rise to the presidency. Probably not, although there are a couple slight similarities. Now I can see you wingnuts saying I'm comparing him to Hitler. Well, I'm not. So don't whine about that.
Now on topic. Anyone noticed a few similarities in his election? Such as hope, change, etc., then having him turn on half of those and then end up with a mess on his plate, and not being able to chew it because that was never his intention to make said mess and had a completely different goal all along? Then ends up with Mr. Health Care, something we'll never be able to afford, and we get another bigger mess? Then comes along restriction of free speech, which is his report your neighbor little ditty to flag them as a national security threat because they're against you?
I can see what's next >>.>>
Staying in tune with me far right rant, I'll say this: Bring in the death squads! Not really, kidding, don't.
Thoughts on my half sleeping pill induced rant?
I'm tired, I'll elaborate a little more later. Without all of this rightist rant.