I've spent hours while trying to sleep pondering what happens and what it feels like after you die. The thought scared me a little. So, the question is, do you believe in coming back to Earth as a different animal, a different human being? Or do you think we float aimlessly in blackness? Or do you believe in heaven and hell?
Oh i see. well anyways i feel i'm probably far too young to form an opinion on this as I don't have much life experience so far. in a few years once i've had time to formulate an opinion from books, websites, and most importantly my own life I'll have a more educated answer to this question.
I think that reincarnation, or even moreso, some type of "consciousness recycling", is the most plausible form of "afterlife" concept I've come across.
And while scientists know very well about the end of the human condition, I am at present unconvinced of their ability to rule it out. This could change.
Of course, any respectable atheist is in fact a very humble person who refuses to fill in the blanks with fanciful human imagination. It is an exercise in absurdity and to take it very seriously at all is the height of intellectual arrogance.
However, I enjoy absurdity (indeed, life itself seems rather absurd to me), so I'll go with some form of reincarnation.
I love the idea of reincarnation. I want to come back as a freakin dragon. Oh, we're we supposed to make a thoughtful reply that contributes to the topic's query? Well whatever...I still want to be a dragon.
As humans, we want o believe that there is something after we die like twigninomitry said, it is he human condition
I believe there is a heaven an hell bc im Catholic i often think about what it would be if there wernet one Nothingness... Darkness.... We, as humans dont want to believe there is nothing after death we think we are almost immortal, the exception to the rule We think we are the chosen ones, since we are not in other people's shoes we want to believe we will live on forever, when we wont we hope to live forever, and we wont it doesnt matter who you are, we were all created equal, to receive the same fate when we die, whatever it might be
You think that you will become another animal or different species then a heaven or hell?
It's just as wierd as believing you go to a huge cloud where god and jesus live and or going to a place full of fire and the devil even though have proven underground is just magma.
It's just as wierd as believing you go to a huge cloud where god and jesus live and or going to a place full of fire and the devil even though have proven underground is just magma.
Christians don't believe heaven is in clouds and Hell is underground. These places are in seperate realities, and up in the clouds and down in the fire are associated with heaven and Hell because that's what people thought was the unknown and mysterious. Nobody knows what heaven will be like (if it exists, that is), but I'm sure nobody ACTUALLY believes it exists on a big cloud. What if you fell off?