Obama is our president. He leads our nation. He is also under lots of preasure. Don't call him names or say how terrible he is. What would you do if someone said that about you, and you were the president?
Obama quite certainly dint start the wars start the debt or start anything, but he is definatly not stoping it.
Obama broke a record, the quickest falling polls for a president, he promised too end the war in iraq end lobyists and of course ''change'' witch hes doing with the whole health care thing(open up a health care thread so i can say how much i hate it), btw withought doing research these are the things i remember of the top of my head.
Now obama has raised the debt, lobyist, well no one cares at this moment, and he has expanded the war and added a few bases too the already massive empire.
so for god sakes when i say this i mean it, obama is a horible president and usually people who agree dont watch fox or any other mainstream news programs, they go too sites like the dailypaul or campaignforliberty.
society didn't like he was expanding his land. as far as i know the "war on terror" has disestablished the Taliban and taken a dictator wanting nukes out of control
The Taliban are stronger than ever. And Saddam had abandoned his nuke program in the late 1980's. You seem to be about 5 years behind on the news.