ForumsWEPRReligion and its Evil

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Now you're probably opening this thinking "oh great another rant on religion", well you're right. But please keep reading on because what I have to say is important and applies to all beliefs, even if you don't have one.

Many religions now believe the world is going to end, soon. Basically they believe this because of "signs" and their precious magic books. Well the scary thing is the world could end soon, and religion could actually be its cause. The fact is, for the world to live on religion must die. Faith is nothing to brag about it, and people who accept faith, or preach it are just intellectual slaveholders. Religion has caused so much craziness and destruction and I think 9/11 is a great example, however I won't get into it much because of everything else I have to say.

Now, why is religion so powerful? Because it allows people who DON'T have the answer to what happens when we die to think they do. If you're a christian or any other religion you may think it's great to say "PLEASE GOD I'M WILLING! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK OF ME!" Well guess what, there are no gods talking to us so that void is filled in by corrupt and often hostile people.

This is why anti-religious rationalists must come out of the freakin closet and let themselves be heard. And for those of you who only consider yourselves "a little religious", is the safe feeling of believing in a religion worth the pain and destruction it causes? If you belonged to a social group that wasn't a religion that involved so much bigotry, homophobia, violence, and ignorance as religions you would quit the club and protest against it. And if the end of the world comes because of nuclear arms led by religious nut jobs... just remember what the true problem was. We found a way to end lives on a mass scale before we stopped wishing for it.

  • 472 Replies
1,251 posts

I wouldn't call Christians evil, but the actions of the religion as a collective evil

that's exactly what I'm saying
1,251 posts

Exactly why would you want to destroy the peaceful people?

dude oh my fucking god i thought i explained this but apparently not.... I DON'T WANT TO DESTROY THE PEOPLE, JUST THE RELIGION >.>

and how come you didnt respond the post i last responded to you with :P
1,455 posts

dude oh my ****ing god i thought i explained this but apparently not.... I DON'T WANT TO DESTROY THE PEOPLE, JUST THE RELIGION >.>

In a way, if you destroy the religion you destroy the people. The religion is what makes them who they are, which is why I have to disagree. I won't deny that religion has done some terrible things, but like Alt said, the good and the bad are parallel. I love being in a peaceful community, but nobody there would dream even for a second to use this religion as an excuse for violence.
As Gandhi said, 'hate the sin, love the sinner.' I'd say that, in many ways, religion is like that.

That's a clever way to think of it. In my opinion, the sin would be the misuse of the religion to do evil works, not the religion itself, which is why I would stand against the elimination of any religion.

Unless a religion actually TEACHES that these acts should be used in support of the religion, I don't think we have the right to intervene. Hitler used the German army to create Nazi camps and torture 12 million people, but it isn't necessary to wipe Germany off the map.

Rant over.
1,251 posts

Because I didn't refresh the page, I'm not only on AG I have like 6 other tabs open :/

d+amn... I though I won lol

Yes Christians did some bad thing

Ya some... like starting a 100 yr war.... selling papers for their own profit promising it could take you to heaven.... their priests rap+eing little boys....

1,251 posts

Let me tell you this like I do in every other religion thread, we are past that that was a long time ago, that was the past, stay in the present.

the little boys thing is actually pretty recent but still technically the past I guess. Alright the present, excommunicating gays? Saying birth control isn't allowed? If you die a baby before being baptized you go to hell?? How can the church possibly justify these things? and this is just the catholic beliefs too, didn't even get into the other religion's crazy beliefs.
1,455 posts

Alright the present, excommunicating gays? Saying birth control isn't allowed? If you die a baby before being baptized you go to hell??

These are just words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. If you want to destroy religion because they SAY things, that's a bit extreme.

Excommunicating gays is because it is against the Catholic religion to act upon these feelings. You can consider it discrimination, but why would you want to even be part of a faith that is against gays?
Saying birth control isn't allowed is because of the Catholic belief that those engaging in sex should always be ready to accept pprocreative responsibility. Again, simply words for simply catholics.
That third one is completely untrue; Catholics believe that there are other forms of baptism than with water. If you die unbaptized and you were a good person, you are baptized through the blood of Christ.

Just so everyone knows, I was only speaking for the Catholic faith, and I don't know for certain how all the other Christian denominations stand on these issues.
1,455 posts

Oh, f***, I made a typo. That would be procreative responsbility.

Hey Kirby, that's my quote!

9,821 posts

Yes Christians did some bad thing but in the long run we are peaceful.

Erm. . . .

Correct version of that statement:

Christianity has done lots of good things, but in the long run is not peaceful.

Had to. I'm sorry.

Christianity as a whole has become evil. Very evil. But that doesn't mean that the people following the religion are evil.

Sort of like. . .hate the game, not the players.

For example, I have a bad time playing a game of Monopoly. I dislike the game of Monopoly. should I blame the players, my friends, or the game, which I dislike? The game. And this analogy can be applied to religion, where religion is the game.
1,251 posts

These are just words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. If you want to destroy religion because they SAY things, that's a bit extreme.

Those were just a few examples, I guess I should have included the other religions. Such as the war going on in the middle east... caused by religion extremists.

The war going on for the "holy land" between Muslims and Israel (Jews), and no I'm not saying all Israelis are Jews, the mistreatment of women among the Muslim faith and how they think all other non-Muslims are no better than pigs or dogs and must be eliminated.
1,251 posts


what? lol what do you mean by "/discussion."??
404 posts

Well for starters religion is not something to diss. I myself am atheist but you dont see me going on and ranting and raving religion is wrong there are no gods. I respect others in there beliefs and if every one else thought like me there would be no religious wars. If the believe in it then they will probably wind up there because the mind is a powerful thing and if you have a strong enough will then you can probably create your own world of things to do in death.

1,251 posts

It is not all religion only the extremist you are kind of stereotyping say ALLL religion must end, Its only the extremists who do bad things based off their faith.

not really, the whole muslim religion in the middle-east believes that all non-muslims are no better than dogs or pigs... even if they won't kill them.

if you have a strong enough will then you can probably create your own world of things to do in death.

umm ya I don't know about that... >.>
404 posts

umm ya I don't know about that... >.>

well i guess you think you are dead and gone and should be forgotten sorry i forgot you were a hater

1,150 posts

Ya Lieutenut, your judging ALL religion on the actions of a few. For example I dont go around shooting people and blowing myself up or telling other people to do that, yet you seem to think that that is what religion is teaching us.

If one person in a club of 1,000 people killed someone, would you consider the whole club and all of the clubs similar to it evil, or just the one person?

1,455 posts

Such as the war going on in the middle east... caused by religion extremists.

As Kirby said, these are only the extremists. Maybe Ghandi should've said "Hate the extremists, not the religious institution." Although I don't know how that could really fit into any other discussion...
not really, the whole muslim religion in the middle-east believes that all non-muslims are no better than dogs or pigs... even if they won't kill them.

I just read 1984, and they had the thought police, which went after those who had thoughts judged to be immoral. Eliminating religion because of people's thoughts and not their actions doesn't sound far off from this.
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