Now you're probably opening this thinking "oh great another rant on religion", well you're right. But please keep reading on because what I have to say is important and applies to all beliefs, even if you don't have one.
Many religions now believe the world is going to end, soon. Basically they believe this because of "signs" and their precious magic books. Well the scary thing is the world could end soon, and religion could actually be its cause. The fact is, for the world to live on religion must die. Faith is nothing to brag about it, and people who accept faith, or preach it are just intellectual slaveholders. Religion has caused so much craziness and destruction and I think 9/11 is a great example, however I won't get into it much because of everything else I have to say.
Now, why is religion so powerful? Because it allows people who DON'T have the answer to what happens when we die to think they do. If you're a christian or any other religion you may think it's great to say "PLEASE GOD I'M WILLING! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK OF ME!" Well guess what, there are no gods talking to us so that void is filled in by corrupt and often hostile people.
This is why anti-religious rationalists must come out of the freakin closet and let themselves be heard. And for those of you who only consider yourselves "a little religious", is the safe feeling of believing in a religion worth the pain and destruction it causes? If you belonged to a social group that wasn't a religion that involved so much bigotry, homophobia, violence, and ignorance as religions you would quit the club and protest against it. And if the end of the world comes because of nuclear arms led by religious nut jobs... just remember what the true problem was. We found a way to end lives on a mass scale before we stopped wishing for it.
I may not agree with everything you said deserteagle, but let me say this.... well said
Religion is not evil lieutenut
Believe me I know, but once it's leaders become corrupt and people start interpreting things differently it becomes evil. Not all religions start off evil but they all have potential to become evil, and the most dangerous thing is when people will believe anything their religion says without question and have a blind faith. That's where the wars and violence come in.
Well I beleive in God, but I don't believe in the church.
Sadly the churches are just another business and it doesn't matter if they are spreading the word, it matters about money. I had a bad experience with a church and so I learned the hard way. It all comes down to the fact that they are run by man.
bronze and deserteagle, you are both agnostics actually. Agnostic is actually better than religions in my opinion, because it means you are something even more important.... rationalists. I applaud you two for thinking rationally, what man should do a lot more often
And I guess you are saying that atheism would be gold? Wow...
Hardly. If I wanted a foundation for accurate knowledge, I would look to science.
Though from a scientific perspective I, along with others have reached atheism as a rational conclusion given what we know and what we have evidence for in our universe today.
well first of all I said it becomes dangerous when people follow faith blindly and don't question. Just claryifying.
now to "define people". Anyone who's intellect isn't high enough to think for themselves much and find acceptance in a religion. Am I saying all people who follow a religion is like that? no. Most even? nope, but many are and jonestown was a great example of what following something blindly could lead to. I'm assuming you know what jonestown was but if not just ask me about it.
Beats me. Not what I was interested in trying to get across in the metaphor.
And why the flying f*ck would religion be considered crap?
I suppose I could have used the word 'orridge' instead, but the word crap just happened to pop into my head and I thought it fit the bill. It's because neither holds up when you put pressure on it. I mean... unless you have a really bad diet or something...
yeah, after some major reformations... idk if the church will survive after people realize that not allowing gays to marry is immoral... maybe it will maybe it won't, I'm hoping it doesn't
yeah, after some major reformations... idk if the church will survive after people realize that not allowing gays to marry is immoral... maybe it will maybe it won't, I'm hoping it doesn't
The church may die, but I don't think the faith in God ever will.
Because the church mandates that books that blaspheme should be burned, and those that do not believe should be excommunicated, and that people of other religions are heretics & should be converted or slain.
You'll note in the last couple of hundred years when freedom for the plebian classes became a real concept and scientists were not placed under house arrest or executed for teaching things that did not coincide with the bible, you'll note that people have slowly begun to question the countless years of indoctrination.
It certainly does not holdup as an viable explanation for our universe today; those who think it still does are frankly, delusional.
Meh, to be honest I don't really care about anything that I won't be alive to see. Lol, for example, I remember when they said a new island was forming around Hawaii, I got excited, then the next thing they said was "In a few million years..."