_______________________$ _____________________________$$ ______________________________$$ _______________________________$$$ _______________$$$$$____________$$$ ______________$$$$$______________$$$ _____________$$$$$$______________$$$$ ____________$$$$$$$$_____________$$$$ ___________$$$$$__$$$____________$$$$ ___________________$$$___________$$$$ ____________________$$$_________$$$$$ _____________________$$$_______$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$_____$$$$$ __$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$$$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$_____________________$$$ __________________________$$$ ___________________________$$$ Go Lenin (Oh and i know they were not around at the same time but please just humor the debate )
Clean Debate please. No put downs on specific people.
Is this even fair? Hitler was an evil dictator who almost wiped out an entire race, and killed many others. Lenin actually realized that Communism did not work and tried to fix things when he died.
As said Hitler was horrible we all know it and only an idiot would deny hit atrocities. But people often forget the purges in russia didn't start with Stalin; sure they escalated but some historians believe terror was just a part of the party. (I don't agree that much but hey...) In his will (thing) Lenin was fair in "denoncing" other party members to try and stop one person taking power he especially disliked Stalin (which is good foresight). Lenin is way better than Hitler.
-You know Germany also started the WWI and Hitler was just a soldier in it, proving that German goverment was screwed up before Hitler, Hitler just made it more insane than it was in WWI.
Hitler was Austrian and yes he did participate in the German army in WWI. The period Post WWI to Pre-Nazi Germany was when Germany was suffering an economic hardship, and had reparations to pay. When Hitler came in, he stabilized the German economy. Well... He did break the treaty of Versailles though.
At its core, Germanu's government structure was not bad, but during WWI it was a kaiserdom(or whatever it's called >.<, which sucks. In WWII, if there was no Hitler, then Germany would end up with a pretty functional government. Hitler just messed it up by assuming every leadership position possible.
Well a kaiser is an emperor but I suppose Kingdom is the same thing just about.
which sucks
The Quuen will hunt you down lol.
if there was no Hitler, then Germany would end up with a pretty functional government.
By 1930 they eeerrr.... started to fail (thoug by this time Hitler was wokring his magic >.> but I think their Golden Era, with the pwetty Dawes Plan, would have faded. It was unstable because it was full of people with opposing ideas. And coalition governments rarely work.