ForumsWEPR[necro] Why you don't believe in God?

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71 posts

Before you comment, please, read everything, I'm sure that after you read, your life will be changed.

In the following sentences I will explain how stupid is to not believe in God, and I'm gonna use logical thinking and science.

Either "Everything came from nothing", like the "big bang" , witch is impossible, because nothing can only make nothing, or "Something always existed and made everything" like God.

God made this world, by this world I mean time, space and matter, so if God made this world, He lives outside of time, space and matter which means He's eternal, omnipresent and all-powerful.

For those of you who say that the big bang made the universe, I have this sentence: Nothing is the cause of it's own existence.
This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.
If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning.

Every change that happens everywhere in the universe it's more closer to destruction.
Second law of thermodynamics:
The energy available after a chemical reaction is less than that at the beginning of a reaction; energy conversions are not 100% efficient.
The disorder in the universe always increases.
With each change in form, some energy is degraded to a less useful form and given off into the surroundings, usually as low-quality heat.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same, the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.

If God didn't made life, then how did non-life, became life?
As I said, nothing is the cause of it's own existence, life comes from life, your parents were alive when they made you.

Did you knew that a 2x2 inch capacity full with someone's DNA can sustain 6000000000 times more information then a 140 GB hard drive?
I guess you didn't knew, did evolution made your DNA?
God made your DNA, of course!

What about the monkeys?
If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.

What about the fossils?
The scientists say that it takes millions and billions and zilions of years for living tissue to become a fossil, well here's 2 pictures with a cawboy's leg fossilized, enjoy

After all I have showed you, now I'm gonna say that you should accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, because He died for our sins and He didn't ask something from us, just to love our brothers and sisters and to believe in Him.
Anyone can ask for forgiveness as long as he or she is not dead, no matter what they did God can forgive them, if they repent from theirs sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God is mercyful and just, His justice is not denyed by His mercy and this is the reason why God sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for us.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  • 881 Replies
71 posts

I asked you what do you think about the fact that you were wrong, and my family doesn't even know to speak english and they don't have anything to do with what I'm trying to do here, exept the fact that they told me that there is a God, and I strated to think about that and I did alot of research, and I found out that they were right.

If you believe in God, why the heck do you defend evolution? I'm not saying this because I'm close-minded, I'm saying this because if you a christian, you would know without a doubt that God is more real then everything, and He made you.

71 posts

And by the way, the information that Kent Hovind is sharing with us, is 100% correct, you're free to check it.

1,310 posts

My friend, God exists

You still haven't proven that.

As far I know, any fossil can be faked, as you said.

Look at this picture, you can clearly see, that's not a fake.

Okay. So first, you say *any* fossil can be faked, and then you show a picture, which you claim is not a fake - it's not even a photo from a reputable peer-reviewed scientific journal that includes the details of their findings - it's from ''. The hilarious kicker is that you made both of those statements right next to one another.

The videos were made by Kent Hovind, don't tell me what kind of person he is and what he did, listen about what he will prove to you, and you can check everything he says, you will find out that he's telling the truth, and what he says is right.

Okay, asides from the huge character flaws of Kent Hovind & that he's currently serving a ten-year prison sentence -
He has no scientific background in education whatsoever. He graduated from high school, then received a bachelor's in religious education, then did his masters & doctorate in R.E. from a school which is regarded as a diploma mill. His dissertation is only made available with Hovind's permission (which are usually meant to be published and made public so that other students can use it as research for future dissertations or projects). There is no valid reason whatsoever to rely on Kent Hovind as a reliable source of information on science, the nature of the universe, or just about anything that's at an education level greater then you would get from any high school graduate.

I'm a little disappointed that you didn't respond to my post though Zep0Q; I was really hoping you'd have some 'dynamite' rebuttal to your original arguments being shredded.

Your continued idea that evolution isn't science is just wrong. If it was bad science, or faulty, or didn't stack up as science, it would get dumped in the corner like your bible as something that isn't worth a toss as far as science is concerned. The fact that it stands today as the widely accepted theory on the development of life is proof that it's still the best idea we've got; much better then anything any religion has had to offer.
2 posts

Ok, first off, this was a hilarious read. Thank you all. After reading through everything, I didn't see where anyone pointed out the BIGGEST fallacy with the OP. I started skimming around page 15, so if someone did happen to, my apologies.

Zep, your proof begins with this: "God made this world, by this world I mean time, space and matter..." as a given. Do you know what a given is, in terms of a proof? A given is a statement or condition that is accepted as true, and doesn't require proving.

The most common examples of givens are in very basic geometric proofs. For example, one might say it is given that line segment AB is perpendicular to line segment CD, intersecting at point E. and then you would be asked to prove some fact regarding the relationship between these two line segments, maybe prove angle AED = angle CEB.

What you would NOT be given is angle AED = angle CEB, and then asked to prove that angle AED = angle CEB.

However, that's exactly what you have done. Your given is indeed what you're trying to prove, and no accurate proof can be based on that. For example, let's say that I want to prove to you that the God doesn't exist. According to your methods, I would say "God doesn't exist. Based on this, everyone should conclude that God doesn't exist." And if we accept your incorrect techniques as acceptable, I have just proven this to you.

144 posts

Zep, I'm not sure how much more clearer I can state what I think, and why. I believe in evolution because it is demonstrably true given our current tools of science. And I'm not going to listen to a man with a non accredited degree in *religious studies* talk like an expert about evolution. I'd sooner listen to a crippled leper with a DUI give me tips on drag racing. Sorry to all the crippled, alcoholic lepers out there, I'm trying to be sensitive.

Everyone I know who is both Christian and a scientist believes in evolution. At this point I'm talking about physicists and biochemists, specifically. I've had long discussions with these sorts of people about their understanding of cosmology, mutations, natural selection, etc from their perspective as Christians. It doesn't seem to stop any of them from going to church, loving God, discriminating against gays, and lots of other fun Christian things. =P

My question to you is: Why do you think that the existence of God negates the existence of evolution? They are really two entirely separate issues.

Anyhow, I encourage you to continue researching. I'd start by researching the people you listen to. If someone is trained in a field of expertise, it is appropriate for them to speak with authority inside of their expertise. It is likewise appropriate for them to remain relatively silent outside of it.

71 posts

People like HiddenDistance are forcing me to be rude.
He didn't even quote all the sentence, in which is the answer that would solve his stupid ideea, and he's telling me that I didn't prove that God exists.
Look around you blind man!
Everything you see was created by God, but you and people like you are stupid enough to believe that this world was made by it self, you idiots, how can something be the cause of it's own existence???

360 posts

Everything you see was created by God, but you and people like you are stupid enough to believe that this world was made by it self, you idiots, how can something be the cause of it's own existence???

Ah, your debate is so hilarious!
Anywway, I can't believe that, once upon a time, there were nothing, and then, Bim! a God appeared!and he created everything!with what?how?
Of course Big Bang theory is still incomplete, for we don't know where it came from, but there's so much sciences proofs of this, so much things that show that it hasn't be created from nowhere, than how you, can stupidly think something written in a book who is now 2000 years old?
are you that stupid that yu believe everything that is written in a book?
I mean, I must tell you that, and I'm so sorry for this, Santa Clasu dosen't exists...Whitesnow doesn't exists neither, nor Harry Potter...
1,310 posts

People like HiddenDistance are forcing me to be rude.
He didn't even quote all the sentence, in which is the answer that would solve his stupid ideea, and he's telling me that I didn't prove that God exists.

I'm not forcing you to do anything. I was quoting the part of the sentence that was actually relevent - but here:

My friend, God exists, He came to earth to pay the price for our sins, it seems that your forgot that.

Fantastic. The rest of the sentence is present. You still haven't proven god exists. Happy now?

Look around you blind man!
Everything you see was created by God, but you and people like you are stupid enough to believe that this world was made by it self, you idiots, how can something be the cause of it's own existence???

How can everything I see have been created by something that has no proof of it's own existence?

If you can quote me saying "The world made itself out of nothing" then you've got me - but you won't find me having said that anywhere on this site, or frankly, in my life at large.

Science doesn't have all of the answers for the universe yet, but while that's being figured out, I'm not interested in your cheap, easy knock-off answer that has no basis in reality.

You're not even addressing my arguments. Are you giving up?
5,579 posts

how can something be the cause of it's own existence???

Then how can god be real? God has to exist, but it can't exist by that logic.

Sorry, you've just been a hypocrite since page one.
2 posts

TSL3, you forget how he Zep expertly laid that argument to rest in the OP:

"This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.
If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning."

And Zep, that's the whole quote in its entirety. If it sounds like I'm trying to misrepresent anything, or if it sounds stupid.... it's all you.

1,455 posts

Under our laws of physics, something can't come from nothing. Therefore, whatever made us had to exist outside of our laws. It oculd be the Big Bang, which randomly occured since there was no need for it to be in response to something. Or it could be God. Sadly, this doesn't bring us any closer to resolving this issue, but maybe it'll shed some light on the "something from nothing" debate.

5,579 posts

TSL3, you forget how he Zep expertly laid that argument to rest in the OP:

I already knew that. My reference to page one was that argument. If something does not apply to another thing, but applies to everything else, that thing cannot exist. If something cannot be the cause of its' own existence, then it cannot exist, nor ever has.
230 posts

this is annoying,

hereâs a comparison with Horus, Egyptian sun god- 3000 Bc

Horus-Born on December 25th
Born of the virgin Isis marry
Birth accompanied by a star in the east
Upon his birth he was adored by 3 kings
at the age of twelve he was a prodigal child teacher
At the age of 30 he was baptized
Had 12 disciples
Traveled around with them performing miracles(such as healing the sick and walking on water).
Horus was known also by such names as: The Truth,The Light,Lamb of God,Gods anointed sun, The good shepperd etc..
After being betrayed by tiphon horus was...
Berried for 3 days
Then Resurected.

Jesus Christ - Born on dec 25 of the virgin mary in bethlehem
Birth anounced by a star in the east
witch 3 kings followed too locate him and adorne their new savior
He was a child teacher at twelve
at the age of 30 he was baptised by john the baptist
Jesus had twelve desciples witch he traveled around with performing miracles(walking on water bread for all etc etc...)
Known as : King of kings, son of god,Lamb of god, alpha and omega.
after being betrayed by his desciple judiss and sold for 30 peices of silver
He was crusified berried for three days then resurected.

Now too explain this, the entire birth sequence is completely astrological

The star in the east(Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky)
On December 24th it aligns with the three brightest stars in orions belt(These stars are also refered too as, the three kings)
All these stars point too the place of the sun rise on December 25th, this is why the three kings follow the star too the east too locate the sunrise, the birth of the sun(otherwise known as god sun) at the winter solstace.

Now for Bethlehem. The constellation virgo, is also known as the house of bread, because it represents time of harvest in august and September.The exact translation of Bethlehem is house of bred, Bethlehem is a referral too a place in the sky not on earth.

Now this is the most complicated part of this(too explain).

From the summer solstice too the winter solstice, the days become shorter and colder. And from the perspective of the northern hemisphere the sun appears too move south and get smaller and more scarse. The shortenings of the days and the expiration of the crops when aproching the winter solstace symbolize the process of death in ancient times. After the sun having moved south for six months it reaches its lowest point and stops(atleast perceivably) for 3 days(dec 22,23,24) and on these days its in the vicinity of the constilation crux(or cross, constellation of a cross) and then on December 25th the sun moves 1 degree too the north, forshadowing longuer days, warmth and spring.

And thus it was said, the sun died on the cross, was dead for 3 days, only too be resurrected again.

How many other gods are about the same as this? I found 35(this is long enough im not giving names)

Enjoy the reading

4,871 posts

Jesus Christ - Born on dec 25 of the virgin mary in bethlehem

Wrong the church just picked this date to cover up the pagan's winter solstice festivals. He was probably born during October or November.

witch 3 kings followed too locate him and adorne their new savior

Wrong again they were most likely wise men.

After being betrayed by tiphon horus was...

By who? The Romans created the crucifix.

He was crusified berried for three days then resurected

Wrong yet again, he died on Friday and then was resurrected on Sunday not exactly three days. Three is a holy number to the Jews and anyway to get it to fit in they would use.

Bethlehem is a referral too a place in the sky not on earth.

Bethlehem was a city, that make is without a doubt true.

Jesus had twelve desciples witch he traveled around with performing miracles(walking on water bread for all etc etc...)

Nope he had twelve Apostles big difference he had hundreds of disciples.
230 posts

these are quotes from the bible, alot of people say 3 kings or wise men

By who? The Romans created the crucifix.

tiphon was one of horus's disciples, the crusifix has existed since constelations, its long before the romans.

Wrong yet again, he died on Friday and then was resurrected on Sunday not exactly three days. Three is a holy number to the Jews and anyway to get it to fit in they would use.

im fine with this, its generally refered too as 3 days

Bethlehem was not a REFERENCE too the city, it was a reference too the constelation virgo, there is a city but thats not what it was refering too.

Nope he had twelve Apostles big difference he had hundreds of disciples.[quote]

im fine with that too

stop nit picking
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