ForumsWEPRShould we stay in Iraq?

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should we stay in iraq if so why all we do is die and kill please reply

  • 52 Replies
121 posts

first you should realize that not everyone on this website is American

nah leave them to blow each other up

until they affect your country you should just leave them alone to screw around

13,817 posts

This thread is already pretty useless, since months ago it was confirmed that we or the "Americans" would be completely gone in a few years. I hope the Iraqis are ready.

My history teacher said because Iraq is unstable.

That's why they are staying in Iraq. They invaded Iraq over suspicions that Saddam Hussein was harboring WMDs and supporting Al Qaeda. At least he's dead.
8,051 posts

That's why they are staying in Iraq. They invaded Iraq over suspicions that Saddam Hussein was harboring WMDs and supporting Al Qaeda. At least he's dead.

don'tchu forget 9/11 now, i'd guess that caused a huge uproar
5,579 posts

don'tchu forget 9/11 now, i'd guess that caused a huge uproar

Afghanistan is because of 9/11, not Iraq.

Of course we need to stay there. Unless you want a serious diplomatic mess of course >>.>> Let's use history as an example. Afghanistan is 1990, shortly after the Soviets left. It was a complete mess. Why? Because all we did was supply weapons. We didn't clean up the mess we had started to begin with.

Bottom line, you make a mess, you clean it up. At all costs.

And we haven't cleaned it up yet. And probably won't for quite some time.
13,817 posts

And we haven't cleaned it up yet. And probably won't for quite some time.

Ah yes. The US has work to do, but is being pushed out of Afghanistan. Of course, no country wants to be actively occupied by foreign forces.
230 posts

the reason we are in iraq is an oil pipeline, the pipeline went through the east parts of iraq and the war was an excuse too plkace bases there too protect the oil line,

o and btw they arent exactly ending the war, they are pulling out of Iraq but sending even more too afghanistan.

Fun fact: 95% of iraq deaths were civilian

Remember more and more people are disputing wether 9/11 was caused by an attack from foreing nations or if the buildings were bombed.

Another thing, afghanistan in 1990 was invaded by rusian troops and the americans sent saddam hussain(i dont remember the name, but same guy blamed for 9/11) trained under a Cia program called Alquaida too push back the russian's(it worked btw).

Another fun fact, the war was against the constitution of america(too declare war u must first go through congress, bush dint)

And finally, pulling troops out in an instant cant posibly do anything but help. americans caused alot of problems in iraq(1 million dead) and canadians caused alot of trouble in afghanistan.
best way too put it would be, what if china ocupied america(i know it wouldnt happen but still), would you want them too leave as soon as is posible or stay and make sure ur country is like theirs.

5,579 posts

Dieath, that is quite full of errors. Let me begin.

the reason we are in iraq is an oil pipeline, the pipeline went through the east parts of iraq and the war was an excuse too plkace bases there too protect the oil line,

I would love proof on this. You can find said proof (Which is highly unlikely), then I'll believe you.

o and btw they arent exactly ending the war, they are pulling out of Iraq but sending even more too afghanistan.

The only truth I see in you entire post.

Fun fact: 95% of iraq deaths were civilian

50% of said civilians were insurgents. We aren't legally permitted to bomb, shoot, or kill anything unless the collateral damage is below a specific point versus the target priority. The only way we would kill a large amount of civilians as accidental collateral would be via a nuclear strike, which the target would have to be of top priority.

Another thing, afghanistan in 1990 was invaded by rusian troops and the americans sent saddam hussain(i dont remember the name, but same guy blamed for 9/11) trained under a Cia program called Alquaida too push back the russian's(it worked btw).

First, it was 1981 when the USSR-Afghanistan conflict started. Second, it was Osama bin Laden that was supplied with Stinger missile systems. That's where my third point comes up, bin Laden wasn't trained directly be operatives inside Afghanistan, he was trained to do nothing but supply and coordinate delivery shipments of Stingers. The Stingers would then go to front line troops to shoot down genocidal Soviet attack choppers. The operation is commonly called Charlie Wilsons War, and they even made an awesome movie about it. We forgot to clean up. Hence our current problems.

Another fun fact, the war was against the constitution of america(too declare war u must first go through congress, bush dint)

We were commissioned by the UN to invade Iraq so that they could attempt to identify and seize WMDs which resided within Iraqs' borders. Of course, if it went through congress, Iraq would get wind of the impending invasion from coalition forces and we wouldn't be able to find the WMDs. Well, they got wind of it anyway and now they are somewhere in Iraq 12 feet under the ground. Even to this day we still find the occasional barrel of chemical agent.

And finally, pulling troops out in an instant cant posibly do anything but help. americans caused alot of problems in iraq(1 million dead) and canadians caused alot of trouble in afghanistan.
best way too put it would be, what if china ocupied america(i know it wouldnt happen but still), would you want them too leave as soon as is posible or stay and make sure ur country is like theirs.

You fail to see the harm that could come out of that. Remember Charlie Wilsons War? Same thing would happen, just on a much larger scale. Iraq would collapse under the immediate strain of having to bear all of it's problems on itself, without American and Coalition forces backing them up. People are still becoming suicide bombers at elections over there because it's against their beliefs.

I hope I made myself clear.
230 posts

i cannot proove the pipeline is real, because photos can be photoshoped and anything i say can be proved wrong somehow.

600 mile (960 km) pipeline that carries crude oil from Iraq's northern fields near Kirkuk to Turkey's port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea
Thats the pipeline im talking about

And there are alot more in iraq.

About afghanastan and benladen, thats the name i forgot, im not disputing much of what u said but the only facts i new where that he led fights against the ussr armys and was trianed under a cia program called alquaida.
and i did check the civilian thing, i was mistaken, its 90% of deaths that are civilian, if youve seen some of the troop training videos for american troops in iraq you would assum that civilians are the ones dying. the troops are taught too kill anyone who dosent obey theyre othoraty and they damn well do it cuz its just a game too them.

the un is an entangline alliance and should be dismantled(or atleast us should leave it) it goes against direct quotes from the founders and if its able too bypass congress its unconstitutional

Peace,trade and commerce with all, entangling alliances with

none-Benn Franklin

As for the last thing i said i stand by it, i would much rather solve my own problems then solve them under the whip of an American soldier

4,871 posts

Remember more and more people are disputing wether 9/11 was caused by an attack from foreing nations or if the buildings were bombed.

Dear god are you an idiot? Did we not land on the moon either? Bombed by who us?

if youve seen some of the troop training videos for american troops in iraq you would assum that civilians are the ones dying. the troops are taught too kill anyone who dosent obey theyre othoraty and they **** well do it cuz its just a game too them.

Yay lets worship the media! Are you fing kidding me??? The soldiers are extremely nice to the civilians I've heard so many stories about great things they've done for them, considering the fact that we are there to protect them your logic is way off.

As for the last thing i said i stand by it, i would much rather solve my own problems then solve them under the whip of an American soldier

I'm seriously about to punch you in the fact please go over there and tell that to the insurgents, in fact tell that to a soldier see what they think of that. At this point I'm not for the war in Iraq but hell I'm for the soldiers 100% from the American Revolution to the War on Terror they've been saving your ungrateful ass.

Sorry for the rant but this is one thing I can't stand I don't care if your for the war you should at least support the troops.
230 posts

American soldiers shooting civilians
1 of many videos that you wont find if you watch the mainstream media, they show the troops as good men.

The people that faught for america in the revolution faught for freedom, they dint invade sovereign nations under the promise of fighting terror

as for 9/11 just google 9/11...what the hell else is new if this is an inside job???

1889 the us blamed an attack on the spanish and attacked them(my info on this is most likely full of mistakes, thats the just). 100 years latter americans where allowed too check and they found out it was a false flag attack

1914-americans sent us ship into known german waters after the germans told them not too under threat of the ships being sunk, the ship was sunk and americans joined ww1

1939-americans let an attack happen on pearl harbor, an attack witch they had known about many weeks in advance as an excuse too join ww2

1973(i dont know the exact date)-Vietname, the reason they joined this war is beacause of the golf of tauncan, an event in witch vietnames militairy forces sunk 2 american ships, years later this was admited too be 100% made up

2001-iraq,9/11 two jets hit building 11 and(i think)12, another jet hit the pentagon and a last one crashed, building seven also fell that day, made up? undecided.

230 posts

nothing personal i just gotta defend what i write

4,871 posts

1 of many videos that you wont find if you watch the mainstream media, they show the troops as good men.

I'm fairly sure me and some friends could make a video like this if we were over in the middle east. Also this a combat zone you kill anything that moves if an idiot civilian wonders in there it's not the soldiers fault the were obviously stationed there meaning that either your "civilians" were insurgents or that they had previously been fighting terrorists and were a bit jumpy.
4,871 posts

Sorry for the double post accidental clicked submit.

1914-americans sent us ship into known german waters after the germans told them not too under threat of the ships being sunk, the ship was sunk and americans joined ww1

The Lusitania was sunk by German U-boats, we were a neutral nation you don't touch a neutral nation. It was civilian ship anyway the government doesn't control civilian ships.

1939-americans let an attack happen on pearl harbor, an attack witch they had known about many weeks in advance as an excuse too join ww2

Poor planning, lack of communication, and bad people in charge we didn't let Pearl Harbor happen on purpose though we did let it happen.

2001-iraq,9/11 two jets hit building 11 and(i think)12, another jet hit the pentagon and a last one crashed, building seven also fell that day, made up? undecided.

230 posts

what is your defenition of an insurgent anyway?

they where doing that for fun, and theres no combat zones in iraq, that town was being ocupied it wasnt a warzone, towns in the warzones are blown appart regardless of civilian activity.

4,871 posts

what is your defenition of an insurgent anyway?

A civilian with a gun.

they where doing that for fun, and theres no combat zones in iraq, that town was being ocupied it wasnt a warzone, towns in the warzones are blown appart regardless of civilian activity.

Proof? Why would they have guns if it wasn't a warzone?
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