what do u think of hunting i think it it should be illegal because tome killing an animal is just like killing a human< you r still taking some thing life
what do u think of hunting i think it it should be illegal because tome killing an animal is just like killing a human< you r still taking some thing life
what are ur feeling\\\\opinions
You should try reading the pinned threads in the forum, Also I'm a meat eater because I enjoy it and it sustaints me, also if the kill is a challenge I'm for it.
Another reason why people hunt is too lower number of the animal if it's getting to high because that will have negative effects on other animals in the area for example there is a few foxes and a lot of rabbits, this is ok because the foxes will always have something to eat but then there is too many foxes and less rabbits which would mean more foxes would die, so we shoot a few foxes and more rabbits appear for them to eat, therefore we stop less deaths of foxes than there could have been.
What veobahamut said and I'll add that it is cheaper to kill for food than to buy it, and sometimes my family needs some help. I hope you don't call me evil for doing something that helps my family, and it isn't like I take pleasure in killing the poor animal.
what do u think of hunting i think it it should be illegal because tome killing an animal is just like killing a human< you r still taking some thing life
We have to kill a lot of things to keep on living - even vegetarians kill plants in order to sustain themselves. Okay, they're not cute and fuzzy to some people - but they're still living organisms, isn't it just as immoral?
Maybe it is... but I'm kind of a fan of being alive, so - I eat meat, plants, whatever. I don't have any illusions that my continued existence isn't built on the deaths of other organisms.
I find nothing wrong with killing animals. If it is for fun, then it is a little different, but most people eat. If we didn't have big farms, most people would still hunt or have farms, which do hunt as well. If you say that hunting is bad, then is fishing bad as well? But seriously I don't have a problem with it. It is a perfectly natural thing that people have done since the beginning of time.
this about about killing so thats y i put it here what do u think of hunting i think it it should be illegal because tome killing an animal is just like killing a human< you r still taking some thing life what are ur feeling\\\\opinions (quoted from ferary)
I believe God gave us supreme command to anamals (Or something Very similiar to that)
I believe God gave us supreme command to anamals (Or something Very similiar to that)
So, we have command over animals? Great! Now I can go find that d*** bull my neighbors have and tell it to grill itself and hop right into some hamburger buns!
Seriously, though, we don't. Man can't control nature. And killing for food, that's fine. Killing in defense as well. Just don't go slaughtering all the fauna in the region.
although plants r living things i dont really care for then (no offence to pants or vegetarians)
Ha. *Is immature*
Please work on your grammar and spelling so we can understand you.
I don't have a huge problem with hunting. People hunt to get food, get food to eat, and eat to survive. It's a natural process that not just humans, but complex animals have done pretty much since they came into existence.
Hunting to lower the population isn't anything I'll object to either.
Hunting for sport... mm... I don't have a huge problem with it. So long as they use almost every part of the animal and don't kill too too many of them.
Other than that, no, I have no problem whatsoever with hunting.
To get one thing clear: No, it is not like killing a human. If you think it is because you kill a living thing, then you should be concerned about the plants too, the flies and mosquitoes.
My father usually went hunting when I was younger. Mainly pheasants and ducks, and he did not always get anything home. He have taken me with him too, and even though we were a group of people, we did not get anything. Now, hunting does not mean instant success in killing. Neither for sport nor for food. That is why humans are keeping animals for food, so we do not have to walk around in a wood at 6 in the morning (and keeping animals for food is killing too, just not always as peaceful as often more stressing to the animal).
Now, there are cases of people either hunting and killing for fun (leaving the entire deer in the woods like nothing happened), or to get the antlers (leaving the rest of the deer in the woods like nothing happened after cutting off head and legs), and that is illegal here, at least.
Last point, as Manta mentioned, hunting is often either regulated to fit the amount of prey in the area, or to regulate the amount of prey in the area. It is far better to kill a number of deer than watch the weakest die and take the stronger with them due to diseases and lack of food.