I don't think there should be any more racist topics. I mean there are soooooooo many and if that keeps up the moderator are gonna take this topic off.
I agree, but like deserteagle said, this'll probably get locked soon. I think people probably do it just because others do it, so eventually I think it will die completely.
Hm. This thread just gives me that padlock magnet feeling. Anyways, I think racism is a big issue that needs to be dealt with. But it doesn't matter how the Mods beef up security on that kind of thing, racism is always going to occur, so you might as well get used to it and stop complaining. Racism is a part of life, an awful part, but a part all the same. It's going to be impossible to eradicate it.
Do you mean like discussing racism, or where people are being racist? Because all I've seen is a few discussing it. I'm sure that if it becomes a problem the mods will address it.
Anyway, racism is a good topic to discuss. Just as long as people don't lose their heads over it at least.
Why would this topic be locked? And I don't think I've seen any rascist topics around but more of questions about racism or fascism in the topic name... For example the one that Jerrbear made it was a question and he posted what he thought
Discussions on race and race relations are certainly fair game for this forum. But there is a distinct difference between talking about racism and making racist comments. Any distinctly racist threads will be locked and/or deleted. But we would like to encourage a continued dialogue on race or racism. But your point is well taken. However, keeping this thread open would invite spam, so...