Keep in mind not everyone can be business owners, therefore you must keep the majority workers.
Yes, I agree, not everyone can be business owners. But what if your bussiness suceeds? And it turnes into a corpartation? Accoricing to ColonelAarons little chart, that would make the ex-worker just as bad as a longtime Priest, or King/President/Minister. Which further reinforces the fact that you only 'really' win in a communist government, if your on the bottom aka, the workers.
It's impossible for the majority to be rich unless you have advanced robots.
But if all bussinesses and such are owned by the government, the people who spend their own money to help the business would essentially lose this, and become just like the workers, because they would be in pay of the government. So it would really be Government -> Workers (of various degrees)
I am communist. Everyone works for each other. That's what we say. I don't know about anything anymore though. We can't afford new furniture because it costs too much. We can barely afford electricity because the folks at the powerplant hardly do any work. I work hard so that me and my family can live well, but I no longer care to help those that I once called brothers.
Yes, because doing the work that my co-workers were to lazy to do is just so fair.
I may join the police force, but I will only live in constant fear of my life. Crime has gone up, many people have lost their minds. They aren't the ones who scare me though. Underground operations have become popular. I can see why. Other countries have offered us more money for our products than our own country. Not only do other countries pay more, but they don't force us to share our profits with complete strangers.
Crime is like the ocean. It goes up, it goes down. Up down up down. Occasionally there are Tidal Waves, but as long as their are towns, and civilizations, their will ALWAYS, be crime. Period.
Their are many debates on what to do about the problem. Some people think we should have more government involvment. I believe that the government is making a profit off our struggles though. Those who swore to keep balance have comitted crimes behind the backs of the people. They are all in the crimes together.
So, all the money the Obama Administration and Congress plans to spend on reforms, is really going into the politicians pockets? What?! -_-
The only thing we can do now is hope that the government takes all that we have. Ever dollar stockpiled, every spare car that a family doesn't need, everything will be distributed between the people so we are all equally poor. That way, we may rot away together, as equals.
Why dont we shoot all the atheletic people in the foot so that we dont make out-of-shape people feel bad?
...every spare car that a family doesn't need...
Well, if there too poor to afford a car, and can barely afford food, what makes you think they can afford a car, hmmm? Unless the Gov' plans on paying for this familys gas. And I'm going to assume that you think you should take Two of my familys cars, because next year, I'm driving, and its just not possible for my mom to take my sister to elementary school, my step-bro to a middleschool 45 mins away from our house, and then me and my other sister to a private-christian school 30 mins away from our house, and 1 hour away from the middle school. And what about my stepdad? He saves money by driving to anywhere he is needed on the east coast. After that, he flys. And he still has to drive to the airport, about 2 hours away. So my family would do just dandy with only one car. -_-
Really, the one of my biggest problems with socialism is that everything has to be 'fair' for everybody. If you feel this strongly about it, next time you have to run a mile or so for your school fitness program, take the most out of shape kid in your class, and offer to carry him the whole way. Its not fair to anybody who works hard, goes to college, gets good grades, to have to support the people who screwed around in school, dropped out of highschool, and are flipping hamburgers in Mickey D's.