ForumsGame WalkthroughsColony - unit counters

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This is simply a guide on how to counter a specific type of unit, if you don't know the best ways.

Feel free to object or add something.

Missles own these guys (black queens included) If it's early in the game, break out air units, preferably phantoms. Tanks also do a good job. (Romans have weak range and low unit damage)

Sakata MII wipe them easily. Marines also do a good job in masses.

Sakata MII, or scouts/black queens. Missles work too.

Sakata MII
Any ground unit will take care of it, hover tanks are the best.

Sakata Spider
Massed tanks can kill it before it gets in range, air units also do a good job.

Hover tanks. Period.

Tanks are best for this job. Black Queens and missles are also fine.

Chronite Tank
Any air unit will kill this, because they are so slow. Missles will take them out too.

Get any stronger unit within range and that'll do it. Missles work just fine as well.

Missles, tanks, phantoms are also stronger than groditz in forms of machine gun fire.

Hover tanks

Phantoms work wonder here.

Black Queens

Strongest counter is probably Sakata MII or Gladiators.

Misc Tips -

1. Missles will kill the following in one hit: Romans, scouts, phantoms, sakata spiders, marines, chronite tanks, snipers and groditz.

2. Don't use forge/forge.

3. Armories are actually cheaper resource structures than banks and generators because it doesn't require upgrading. (and provide more than tier-1 resource structures)

  • 65 Replies
26 posts

Especially Spec Op meds...

Sad to say, but maybe Special Op meds need to be removed. Replace them with more special op snipers maybe :\\

2,165 posts

Pride + meds?...

Take a few glads, send some out to distract the prides, send the rest behind their lines and shoot the meds. Meds DO have a CD between heals, and they won't be able to heal fast enough, and a lot (all of them) will die. Then just flatten the prides

26 posts

Take a few glads, send some out to distract the prides, send the rest behind their lines and shoot the meds. Meds DO have a CD between heals, and they won't be able to heal fast enough, and a lot (all of them) will die. Then just flatten the prides

Creative, but doubtful that it would work, mainly because the player should have a lot of other support units behind the A27s.
47 posts

anybody know how to kill saints?
or sphinx?

35 posts


Anti Air units do fine. Black Queens help also.

Surge them with hover tanks or black queens.

145 posts

Surge them with hover tanks or black queens.


As sphinx's shots are anti-special armour and sphinx's armour is strong against heavy attacks and missiles, using hovers and queens is just stark raving madly idiotic.
My answer: A-27 prides if you are a spec-ops mona. A-25 romans if you are a forger. Marines if you have an outpost. The best is pride.
118 posts

This is my how-to-kill-a-unit guide.
Forge Units
Easily killed by Sakata Mk-II. 3 of these is enough to kill a whole group and make fireworks.
They are vulnerable to splash damage, so Chronite Tanks do a good job against them. Missles wipe them out. Gladiators, Prides and Air unit[/b]s are good aganst them as well.
The best unit against this is Sakata Mk-II. Scouts can defeat these, as well as Black Queens as air, and any android shooting air can easily wipe them out. Groditz are good against them.
Sakata Mk-II
The dumbest thing to do is to send an air unit against it. One thing it is vulnerable to is voltage charge like the Sakata Spiders got, and positron cannons like Hover Tanks and Snipers.
Sakata Spider
After the update they became pretty useful as a support unit. Because it has chronite armor, scouts can take em out. Unlike their predecessor, they are vulnerable to missles. Massed Hover tanks can take them out.
These are the units with most missle resistance. Although they are vulnerable to splash damage, so a couple of Sakatas can take care of them. Hovers just wipe them out. Air units are pretty useless against them. No android can withstand its damage, except maybe another Gladiator fighting like hell.
Outpost Units
Any unit is good against it, but Chronite Tanks are the best.
Chronite Tank
Any air unit can take care of it. From ground units its ether Hover Tanks, Snipers, or Prides(for their range).
Phantoms are the best against these. Romans can be good against them, as positron cannons are bad against titanium armor. Chronites are a bad idea. Anything that has a better range than them is also good. Missles grind their bones to dust.
These units are made as a support unit, although I sometimes use it as defence. The best against them probably are the Snipers, or massed air units. Hovers can be good. Not to mention missles.
Hover Tank
This "ultimate" unit of the game. Its pretty vulnerable to positron cannons and any aircraft. Splash damage like Sakata Spiders can wipe them out in big numbers. Enough missles can take them out.
Black Queen
This unit is pretty powerful, but it is extreamly vulnerable to Sakta Mk-IIs. Scouts can be good against these.
Hospital/ War Sanctum
They are unarmed, so anything can kill them.
Because of its self-repair capabilities it is hard to kill, but Sakata Mk-IIs can take them. It can take a couple of missles before it dies. If you want to use Scouts against these, use them in massive numbers.
This "ultimate" unit is extreamly vulnerable to weak units like Marines and any other Androids. Gladiators are really good against them. Do not use heavy units against these.
I will post other units later on. School time.

118 posts

How-to-kill-a-unit guide continue.
Special Operations
Far Sniper
This is probably the most vulnerable and powerful at the same time unit. It dies from any air unit, missles included. I believe that hovers can kill it before they die.
This guy, despite its range and speed, is really vulnerable to self-healing technology. Sakata Spiders, Saints and Hovers can kill it fast. Gladiator also does a good job. Because it has a special armor, it can take about 3 missles on him.
This group is vulnerable to missles. Although this group has 3 S-marines, which are very strong and have good surviving capabilities, including self healing. This group is vulnerable to almost all the units, but they can repel good damage.
Other Special Units
Mod. Sakata
This guy is the ground version of the Saint. It is really hard to kill. It is vulnerable to missles, although air units can't kill it, as it has great self-repair capabilities. No single unit on the ground can resist its damage. So you need groups of hovers to kill it.
Mod. Phantom
It has great armor, hard to kill. It dies from Sakata Mk-IIs, but in 1v1 battle against it, Phantom wins. Sphinx and Black Queen can do a good job.

47 posts

Far Sniper
This is probably the most vulnerable and powerful at the same time unit. It dies from any air unit, missles included. I believe that hovers can kill it before they die.

ive tested and hovers get pwned.
sphinxs and some tier 3 units (not hover tanks) can kill them easily

341 posts

If FS's are unsupported, romanspam pwns them back to the stone age.

Otherwise, hovers work well (not so much 1v1, but you can spam hovers really easily late game, and Far Snipers have no splash damage). Any type of air works well too.

My guide for unit counters:

Anything in the air: Sakata Mk2 is best counter, period. Massive splash damage=really fast death.

Marines/Romans: Chronites, hovers, phantoms
Chronites: Anything in air, snipers, hovers, spiders, mod sakatas
Snipers: Romans, Hovers, Phantoms, mod phantoms
Groditz: Hovers, Snipers, even chronites ffs
Mk2 Sakata: Anything on the ground that fires vs ground
Gladiator: Hovers (well, a lot of things work, but hovers best)
Hovers: Phantom, mod phantom
Sphinx: Romans/Marines/enough unit spam of any durable unit (Ie, if you have enough hovers a sphinx will die fairly quickly since hovers fire so fast)
Mod Sakata: Hovers
Pride: Hovers, snipers, Queens
Far Snipers: Hovers, romans, anything in air
Special Forces: Chronites, Hovers, queens

2,420 posts

Communist gives you money and Influence when you kill enemies. Fascism builds units and buildings faster.

18 posts

tks for the help!

2,165 posts

There is a range of #'s of hovers/chronites where the chronites will counter the hovers..ex

1 hover VS 2 chronites--hover wins obviously
10 hovers vs 20--pretty close
15 vs 30--betting chronites here, they have enough to tank the hover shots and close in to deal a LOT of splash, wiping out the hovers.
150 vs 300 (good luck to get this to not completely lag)--hovers might win due to sheer numbers and tiny splash killing chronites before they reach in range, and getitng them below their critical mass.

I don't know if this will work now--when I last played mass chronites>mass hovers.

25 posts

im a comon forge uder my self, i find that the strength in forge in anti-units.
thay have the best air to ground in the game, phantoms.
and the best ground to air in the game, aa(antai air) spider.
romans are strong anti sphix/base units.
scouts are good anti tank units.

the ag(anti ground) spider and a-28 from t3 forge kinda fail though, thay both fall to dust at the sight of hover tanks, so its a good thing you have phantoms, but still are not the best things to have. although the ag spider is MUCH more spamable then hovers quite easialy costing half as much (30 manpower is harder to get and used faster then 30 energy, and ag spiders cost 26!). one use for the a-28 is its an awesome missile shield, haveing much more hp then a hover tank and missile resistent, 1 of theese can soak up A LOT of resourses wasted on ppl missileing it.

an intresting efect of the anti-ness that is the forge, even at t3, people still use most of its units while the post tends to start makeing hovers and maybe queens/snipers and stop all else.

lets talk abo9ut soemthing that isent a forge then.
a-27 prides's are medium hp units with good range but low damage/s, thay will fall to many units that get in rnage, but you would be verry lucky not to see this thing backed up with hordes of midics and maybe far snipers.
if someone manages to get a working pride shield, your only real chance is black queens or A LOT of hovers.

far snpiers, probably one of the best suport units in the game, 2 or 3 of these things behind some units that can take a hit is something to be feared by any cronite unit. litterly winning you "the game".
but alone you could kill them with both hands tied behind ur back!

spec ops teams, thay can be a realy big pain if somehow someone gets them in fast, besides that thay serve as medics without haveing a hospital.
a few black queens(whatch out for thuse super marines) or a missile will simply remove them. it makes a good suport group for your main units though.

9 posts

both of the guides were helpful

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