This is simply a guide on how to counter a specific type of unit, if you don't know the best ways.
Feel free to object or add something.
Romans Missles own these guys (black queens included) If it's early in the game, break out air units, preferably phantoms. Tanks also do a good job. (Romans have weak range and low unit damage)
Scouts Sakata MII wipe them easily. Marines also do a good job in masses.
Phantoms Sakata MII, or scouts/black queens. Missles work too.
Sakata MII Any ground unit will take care of it, hover tanks are the best.
Sakata Spider Massed tanks can kill it before it gets in range, air units also do a good job.
Gladiators Hover tanks. Period.
Marines Tanks are best for this job. Black Queens and missles are also fine.
Chronite Tank Any air unit will kill this, because they are so slow. Missles will take them out too.
Snipers Get any stronger unit within range and that'll do it. Missles work just fine as well.
Groditz Missles, tanks, phantoms are also stronger than groditz in forms of machine gun fire. Hover tanks Phantoms work wonder here. Black Queens Strongest counter is probably Sakata MII or Gladiators.
Misc Tips -
1. Missles will kill the following in one hit: Romans, scouts, phantoms, sakata spiders, marines, chronite tanks, snipers and groditz.
2. Don't use forge/forge.
3. Armories are actually cheaper resource structures than banks and generators because it doesn't require upgrading. (and provide more than tier-1 resource structures)
here's a MAJOR tip for everyone.Units decrease their range when they are moving.So your advantage over ur enemy's of either unit's advancement in technology or number of units must be at least twice.And can anyone give me a link to any official thread for posting colony strategy thanks.
why does a sphinx cost so much influ if i can be easily destroyed by marines/romans/scouts and phantoms yes they work well against stronger units but why not the smaller? plus they dont work well against stronger units if outmassed by them(in my experinece 50 hovers against one sphinx i won) plus it fires to slow
.....because its COMPOSITE smart guy....... the whole point of composite armor is that it has its strong points where it excelssss beyond anything else but it has to have a weak point.... the game (as well as the universe) is all about balances one can not have thing without the other, light darkness, good eveil, where it has its strong point it must have a weak point.... in this sense the sphin would be too strong if it didnt have that major weak point.. sacrifice speed for durability, range for power, more power more cost, strong against the strongest of enemies but weak against the weakest of enemies.'s not like that(the part where you talk about all the space-time equilibrium thing)'s the armor itself.See, it's made out a mixed fruit alloy.You got a bunch of crap mixed inside there.....everything doesn't mix together and they create small holes or weak points where small firearms can sneak through or smash through it.Heavy projectiles will pretty be stopped by all that mixed salad.
P/S:Saints don't come down to Earth as robots or fighting machines.
here's a MAJOR tip for everyone.Units decrease their range when they are moving.So your advantage over ur enemy's of either unit's advancement in technology or number of units must be at least twice.And can anyone give me a link to any official thread for posting colony strategy thanks.