I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
Fetter, your media just wants to turn you against Americans in general. The rest of the world is jealous, in my opinion... But regardless, we as Americans are rarely portrayed in a positive light, especially our leaders. Regardless of the good they do, they will only be remembered for the bad, even by their own people. It's disgusting, really. I don't know how much bad Bush has done. I agree with him going into Iraq, just not the MANNER that he used to go in. We should have un-done what Bill Clinton did first so we could have enough troops to go in, kick ass, and leave.
To the guy who said Bush was bettter than Al Gore, you are so wrong! Al Gore was against this war from the beginning, so we would,'t have entered it, or, if we had, we would have left by now!
I'm the one that said that. I hate Al Gore... him and his theories on global warming being an imminent danger. Bah! Liberal propaganda, all of it! So you don't think the war was necessary? You think we should just pull out? Do you realize what that would do to the Iraqi people? I may not agree with the way Bush went in, but it needed to be done. Saddam was practicing mass genocide on his own people. Crimes against humanity, they were! As humans, we must defend ourselves from such individuals. Also, we HAVE evidence that suggests that they DID have WMDs, but moved them across the border before we went snooping around. Now, if only we could get a president that would put all the power in the central government and remove the individual states' rights... ah, things would be great.
If only our policy was not so F-ing self serving, (cough, Sudan, cough) that would be great. Genocide, plus world police, should equal action. P.S. crying UN is copping out.
The Worst? I quite disagree with that whole idea. Now i am NOT republican, although i do prefer the idea of equality that it possessess, and that democrats tipically lack. But i am conservative, so if a republican is bad enough, like, lets say, John McCain, i would rather vote for a democrat, even though this election is turning out quite badly. but back to the purpose of this whole post, George Bush. I like him a bit. I couldn't say he's the best, or even one of our good presidents, but since about Abraham Lincoln(good ol' Abe)all of our presidents haven't lived up to their names...but if you ONLY count the presidents of the 20-21st century, than i'd have to say Bush would probably be my 2nd or 3rd favorite. Of course, for all us conservatives, Ronald Reagan was the best president since Abraham Lincoln. So i would have to say, Bill Clinton didn't make half the president Bush has. Now i'm feeling notious, and i can't even spell right, because this is my 3rd agonizingly long replies since 3:00AM, i'll put some more thought into it later...as for now, i'm getting some water.
Not sure if you really love him, but good try on acting nice to the old guy.
Megamickel, for all his little Acts that you told us about, every president does those, he has advisers. What makes it worse is that he was stupid enough to go to Iraq, because I honestly don't think many poloticians would have gone with the idea. [I've posted "IF" they would have] but theres no real proof to that.
There WAS no point in going after Saddam, he may have attacked his own country 10 years before because of wars, but thats a completely different matter. That can't be blamed on him for support of the war. I don't see what Bush has done.
By the way, wha the crackerjax does "RULE BRITAINIA" have to do with Bush?