I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
Like I said - put yourself in his shoes. You've just received information from the CIA that a country known to be hostile to us and harbor our enemies may have obtained so-called "weapons of mass destruction" and be supplying them to terrorist groups. Out of anger, fear, or simple hatred, a lot of people would have made the same call. It's hard not to, really.
And by the way, if you can take all the good away and attribute it to his cabinet, then you must do the same with the bad. You can try and use your liberal mind tricks, but anyone with an IQ over 40 can see through them. Unfortunately, the masses do not have such brain capacities...
heres what i think. George has gotten use into a pointless war, killing thousands of Americans. he has lied to us about the WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and has made are economie horribul. He refuses to pull are troops out, because he wants that weight on the next president! He is are worst president ever.
Um excuse me look whos talking! You really believed that they went there for Weapons of Mass Destruction? Hahahaha... Yea right... George Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to go to Iraq get some oil and build bases in the Middle East... And besides what about Guantanamo bay prison and Abu Ghraib not his fault either i presume...? Yea right! Open your eyes dude!
dude! YOU need to open your eyes and listen to the news! we went to iraq because Bush said "there are weapons of mass destruction, going to destroy america!" And, if Bush hadnt started this war, there wouldnt be these stupid terrorists in these prisons! And dont you DARE say hes good, my friends died in Iraq, and i got shot, because Bush would pay for collage!
And Bush's father said they were going to liberate Kuwait, while, in truth, the man is now a millionair eating off of his oil plants there.
ANYWAY, He shouldn't have gone into Iraq. There are other countries with Weapons of Mass destruction, why not invade them, too? I mean, Pakistan and India have them, but I'm sure if we put a few men into it we could ovverrun the countries. Lets not forget the UK. There just politically good and no one wants to invade them just caz theres not much point to it. Yet you could, what if Britian Nuked us?
Its not good judgement. If I heard they had WMD's, I woulda talked it out first, and made sure the country knew. People aren't idiots, they would have overthrown Saddam himself, not causing a hate for America and problems with Terrorists that hate our country. We have Iraqi's killing each other, some supporting Americans and some not, None of them are Americans. I don't know where its going. The Surge itself [which shouldn't have happened] it going badly as it is, because we have a MUCH larger supply of troops no matter what clinton did, we do have more. Yet, we send 50,000 in at the start, thinking thats enough to stop a whole country and what happens? Its a human catastrophy, Thousands homeless, thousand dead.. and here some are weeping for a pointless war.
You can't say its because Saddam's a bad person, there are many bad dictators in the world. After this are we to invade North Korea, too? After all, its one hell of a mess.
Oh, lets not forget how crappy Fidel Castro ruled, why didn't we go in and squash him? Worlds not a warzone buddy, it just isn't. We're even LETTING Israel have Nukes, even though theres always a good chance that those Nukes could fall into the wrong hands.
Little Acts that amend and change already made Acts aren't really passed "Laws", there just improvements any president could do. I could put a monkey up there and he could do that.
So I'm not putting it ALL on his advisers, but I'm sure no Prez. makes the decision to invade a country on the word of his Adviser. Therefor, that was his own fault. It was a stupid, evil thing to do. Even if you KNOW its a threat to America, you don't make it a threat to your troops by starting a lousy crap war.
What good things? You mean like holding schools responsible for low test scores? Or how about giving taxbreaks to the already filthy rich? I understand that the main argument for the war in Iraq was that we heard that there were "WMDs" there, but why didn't he pull out after the inspections proved that this was not the case? Or do you see Bush trying to force schools to teach Creationalism as a good thing? Ooh Ooh, what about when he tried to demolish the Iraqi government to try to force it into a failing Democracy, which we are still in the process of doing? Or what about the enormous inflation rate? The Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S. dollar now, but the U.S. dollar was stronger before he took office. And No Child Left Behind? Really? In my opinion, the 8 years that Bush has been in office have turned the U.S. into a gigantic flaming piece of s.hit that has past through multiple fans and weed-whackers, with a paper shredder thrown in for good measure.
but we are dealing with terrorist threats and if they were free to raom, that could be devastating.
If you want to get your ass blown off, then so be it. I will only laugh be cause you are so naive.
Also just think about all the other things that he is doing and how he is trying to make this country better. It is not like he hates it. He is doing everything he can to save it. Can you imagine how fucked up this country would be with someone like gore or kerry in the white house. Bush is doing a pretty damn good job if you ask me so people should just lay of his case >.>
I'm not posting here again. Simply because I just had a 2-page flaming attack on pretty much everyone who's posted here lately and decided the better of posting it. It was nasty, too. Called you all such things as "scumbags" and "anti-patriots". But that rant will never see the light of day. Regardless, this is just too touchy of a subject and there's too many idiots here who refuse to look at any side other than their own. Including me, I guess.
Is there a reason for this topic to be put up, then? At least with religion you can talk about "feelings" and "beliefs". I don't know who anyone is trying to convince, because it's obvious no side would budge. POINTLESS!
well i don't know why he send troops to teriste for just get bombs and nuclear weapons they been searching for like two years now and they are still there why
Bottom line: George Bush has done good against terrorism(we haven't been attacked again, right?) Bill Clinton left us in a great national debt, but the Liberal media couldn't blame the debt on a Democrat, so they blamed it on the one left holding the bag when Clinton split(Bush).