ForumsWEPR[necro] I love Athiests

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1,455 posts

Chidori360 made three threads that says he hates athiests. These are bound to cause a flame war, so to counteract it, I decided to make a thread about something different.

Post here to peacefully discuss athiesm (yes, this thread actually has kind of a point). Discuss how it began, what sets it apart from other beliefs, the standing you feel it has in today's world, or something to that extent. The title was just to stick it to Chidori360 >

This is NOT a Christianity Vs Athiesm thread. If you want to bash Athiests or Christians or... anyone, really, do it in another thread. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I love Athiests.

  • 98 Replies
410 posts

Um Epicurus was around before Christianity. Or at least that quote was dated then. He wasn't talking strictly about the "Christian" god. The Christian church and doctrine hadn't even been made yet. He would have been talking about the Jewish or Islamic god. That is if he was talking about any monotheistic god. (Which I always thought was silly because they all worship the same god essentially.)

9,462 posts

That's debateable; an atheist is someone who rejects theism, and I doubt you know what theism is when you're born.
Anyway, I love atheists!

Being atheist is the disbelief in any gods. When we are born we don't know of any gods. I guess you could technically say since you don't even know of or what god is then one would not believe in such a thing and thus be an atheist. But I guess that would be like saying your Ahuiopiay because you don't know what Huiopiay is.
440 posts

he wouldnt have been talking of the islamic god, since islam is built on after christianity, to them jesus is a prophet, like moses and muhammed, but not the son of god. therefore islam came after christianity but lets not get so angry in our debating. so then yes he was talking of the jewish god.

secondly i have no idea what your talking about gray wolf, so i will look it up...

nvm thats not a real thing. to me athiesm is having no religion, so to me you are born athiest since you are born with no religion.

9,462 posts

Sorry if I didn't make any sense in that last post I was really tired when I typed it up. As for the point I was trying to make with that example of huiopiay was that it holds no meaning to us just as to a new born words like god, theist, atheist would hold no meaning to them.

1,455 posts

As for the point I was trying to make with that example of huiopiay was that it holds no meaning to us just as to a new born words like god, theist, atheist would hold no meaning to them.

Oh okay, that clears it up. In that case, I agree with you.
9,821 posts

Oh, okay then.

But that quote still applies to the Christian god, because it's pretty much the same concept as the Jewish god.

262 posts

I was raised Catholic and in Catholic schools resulting in 12 years of theology courses. As a youngster, I believed the teachings of the Catholic church, but by the time I was 8, I started to ferociously question the validity of the Catholic Diocese foundation and other religions and their basis of "God".
To make a long story short, I have been an atheist for many years now. Like most atheist, I live my life according to the natural laws of life, which, by the way, happen to be identical to the ten commandments. In other words, just plain common sense and compassion. One does not need written doctrine in order to live their lives properly. Whether we are Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Judeo, Muslim, etc., we all still live by the same common laws.

440 posts

well not exactly, in the new testament god seemed to have taken an anger management class...

but if you wanna go that way then it applies to the muslim god also, since it had expanded on christianity, like how christianity expanded on judaism.

950 posts

I love Atheists too! I am an atheist! But I've got one problem with their debating in some cases; if they question something that God says then they are already acknowledging his existance while trying to prove he doesn't their debating can become very fallaciouse sometimes. Be careful comrade Atheists!

9,462 posts

if they question something that God says then they are already acknowledging his existance

I usually see this done more as a hypothetical like saying "if god did exist" then working from there. Maybe you have had different experience with this type of arguing them me but that's just from what I've seen.
2,301 posts

Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both willing, and able?
then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him god?

Um, blatant hole in that logic: It assumes that humans are capable of understanding the ways of God, which we are obviously not, as good ol' Epicurus pointed out so aptly. The ways of a god would be completely incomprehensible to mortals, but what ever's going on up there would make perfect sense to anyone who new what he was talking about (read: A god.)
144 posts

It assumes that humans are capable of understanding the ways of God

I certainly wish most religious folks practiced any kind of intellectual humility, because what you say is indeed the truth. I hope you understand that bits of logic like this are actually responses to people who claim to know a great deal about the ways of God - because they read it in a book, because God came to them in a dream, etc.

Surely, if there is indeed a god, it is well beyond our ability to speak with any authority on what that god is really like. People who have much to say one way or the other about god are usually just being arrogant on some level.

That's why atheists rock, because most of them just stick to chastising the rest of us for making up a bunch of REALLY silly stories over something we know nothing about.
1,606 posts

Needing to try to disprove God is saying.... He Exists. DIS proving something is bsically lying, anyways. Lolz.

4,104 posts

Needing to try to disprove God is saying.... He Exists. DIS proving something is bsically lying, anyways. Lolz.

That statement had a negative amount of logic involved.
3,025 posts

yes, this thread actually has kind of a point

Er... Aside from the fact that every Atheist has no belief in a deity or religion, where are no characteristics about us that are set in stone...

Saying you love Atheists is the same as saying you love Gamers, or any other form of classification that barely dictates ones behaviour.

Discuss how it began,

It primarily started when Charles Darwin became father to the theory of evolution through natural selection -- it was a somewhat reasonable, possibly explainable alternative to "God did it".

what sets it apart from other beliefs,

The loose term for an Atheist is someone who lacks a belief. The strict term that prefer not be used because of misinterpretation is someone who believes that a certain deity(ies) are not real, instead of simply not believing they are real.

the standing you feel it has in today's world,

A steadily growing one -- and that isn't necessarily a good thing as people now realize they can be utter ... let's not say, and "get away with it" now that they're not threatened with eternal Hell and such.

It is a good thing in that people do not believe what I think is a lie and hasn't proven itself otherwise... so... primary morality stands to reason but the people who seize that and become and Atheist in that sense aren't guaranteed to have that kind of morality in themselves.

How ironic :/

The title was just to stick it to Chidori360 >

You've always shown a substantial amount of maturity to us all, good sir.

If you want to bash Athiests or Christians or... anyone, really, do it in another thread.

Guess I'm not gonna make it long in here then. :P

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.


I usually see this done more as a hypothetical like saying "if god did exist" then working from there. Maybe you have had different experience with this type of arguing them me but that's just from what I've seen.

I believe I was one who waged that argument on occasion -- particularly involving the Crusades and etc, where he is supposedly represented by those acts... if he were real, he would do something to say he does not stand for the atrocities and deaths caused.

Suppose he does want that to happen then?

but what ever's going on up there would make perfect sense to anyone who new what he was talking about (read: A god.)

Morality is subjective and thus very easy to understand. It's common belief that allowing others to die -- especially if you created them, is the wrong thing to do.
You cannot argue that God has this Scientific formula that objectively makes him correct in doing that. It is subjective in that sense at best and the vast majority -- including everyone that follows religion would agree with me when God becomes an evil and / or irresponsible (lazy?) being.

That statement had a negative amount of logic involved.


if they question something that God says then they are already acknowledging his existance while trying to prove he doesn't their debating can become very fallaciouse sometimes. Be careful comrade Atheists!

I'd like to point out that in this scenario it is genuinely not their acknowledgement of a Gods existance but rather a poor oration or poor interpretation of what they're trying to say -- it would be better if you asked them waht exactly they meant -- possibly throw out a suggestion adn then see what they say from there. :P

On Armor Games I haven't seen it much as a problem -- most peoples oration is pretty darn spot on (the regular posters in any case)

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