Chidori360 made three threads that says he hates athiests. These are bound to cause a flame war, so to counteract it, I decided to make a thread about something different.
Post here to peacefully discuss athiesm (yes, this thread actually has kind of a point). Discuss how it began, what sets it apart from other beliefs, the standing you feel it has in today's world, or something to that extent. The title was just to stick it to Chidori360 >
This is NOT a Christianity Vs Athiesm thread. If you want to bash Athiests or Christians or... anyone, really, do it in another thread. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I love Athiests.
No more off topics, please! I want this thread to succeed!
Discuss atheism peacefully. Here's a question of interest: Do you think atheism has always been around and behind the scenes, or do you think it was never considered a possibility until the Enlightenment started taking effect?
As for myself, I think it could easily have been in the back of anyone's mind ever since religion began. I just don't think anyone openly stated it, even to a single person, until it was actually considered plausible.
Ah shoot, majorly ninja'd. Why are ya'll so active right now? It's 6 AM! Here... Augh. x_x
I think pan is a variation of bisexual. Just saying.
It is, but since bisexual is just a variation/combo of gay and straight, I figured it might count in your generalization.
Just delete all further off topic posts?
If the majority of posts made are off topic, it's easier to lock the thread. Though I've enjoyed the off topic here. It's funneh.
Do you think atheism has always been around and behind the scenes, or do you think it was never considered a possibility until the Enlightenment started taking effect?
I find it more likely that agnosticism has been around long, but it's plausible that there's been the occasional guy who just didn't believe in the higher powers even back in the VERY religious times.
So we all agree, Klaus is a pedo?
No, he's a pedobear. Go look at the WoM in the art section.
Klaus, you terrify me. We should be discussing atheism. Anybody else want to pitch a question or respond to a question? I posted a few at the beginning and a new one just now. I think I'm pedophile-phobic. But I guess we all are deep down...
Do you think atheism has always been around and behind the scenes, or do you think it was never considered a possibility until the Enlightenment started taking effect?
Atheism, as we know it, could not have started before religion did. You can't deny the existence of a being unless the existence of the being is already proclaimed. For example, if I just started proclaiming that kwixels don't exist, this makes no sense. It only has sense in the response to the proposition "Kwixels exist." But the intellectual level that atheism has reached could only develop in the modern era. If we take one of the foundations for the notion of a god as an explanatory mechanism, then only with a highly developed scientific background can atheists justify their claims. Currently, though, atheism is starting to evolve again - at least philosophically. For philosophical reasons (that I can get into if you really really want), atheists are moving towards denying the proposition "God exists" rather than affirming the proposition "God does not exist." These sorts of contemporary developments in the atheist community are to be expected as the debate wears on.