If you haven't heard about them your gonna hear about them now.
(sorry if the image is big or not, i looked on google for the smalest size)
These posters are starting too appear all over America. The reason is alex jones's contest for whoever hangs the most of these posters will win 1000$. So far the media is calling them racist, witch makes no sense since its a political statement about obama, comparing him too the joker. they are still trying too figure out what crime this is, at the moment this is vandalism, but i dont see them terring down all the garrage sale missing pet etc posters down too.
''The joker is immaginary from a comic book, he din't really steal 23.7 trillion of the american peoples money,but barrack obama and his criminal gang did and thats why they are the real jokers'' -Alex Jones
There is another contest, too see who can make the best video about these posters, heres the best one so far Obama poster video http://www.infowars.com/obama-joker-contest-san-francisco-bay-area/
This topic was made too hear youre responces but first and for most, too inform people.
here are some more joker poster videos
-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQXIayIdyDc -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXdvHjneig8(try too ignore the comic in the back lmao) -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e5dxxnxqpw -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVuUJx0rw84&feature=related
I think they look great from a merely artistic view point. Politically they are kinda dumb and it is a stupid comparison to make. The best thing I heard was that they were racist because it was a reverse minstrel... made me lol so much.
They use it as a scapegoat against us, that's it. I think that the government and media should shut up about it. It's our freedom of speech, and it's intended to be humorous. This is starting to become out of control, and it's driving me insane.
If we put some random object on his face we're racist, if we make a political cartoon, we're racist.
They did to former President Bush all the time, but did we complain once? No, we didn't.
I don't think it is racist but they shouldn't have it. Nobody is giving him a chance. They just assume that he sucks and is making jokes and posters. George Bush sucked so that is why they made fun of him.
they have been putting them posters all over were I live, I dont think its racist though, its just some punk who wants to have a good time.... and get some money
there are diferent kind of posters, the socialist one was the first made so its classic, the others are ones with Fascist at the bottom,Infowars.com at the bottom and one about the new world order, forget exactly what it is.
his healthcare is socialist but everything else(bailouts, militairy spending etc) is fascist
He's withdrawing funding from future projects. . . .
Anti-fascist if you ask me. They are usually militaristic and that means they want the best military. Obama doesn't want a military to start with practically. We're going to get our asses kicked if we aren't the best, and with no future projects we can't be the best.
Fascism is very nationalist, what has happened recently is a bailout on alot of compangies where the government has nationalized them and now controls them outright through laws(fascist)
everything thats been hapening in america lately has been fascist, the loss of freedoms nationilisations the wars, and people are mixing this up with socialism.