If you haven't heard about them your gonna hear about them now.
(sorry if the image is big or not, i looked on google for the smalest size)
These posters are starting too appear all over America. The reason is alex jones's contest for whoever hangs the most of these posters will win 1000$. So far the media is calling them racist, witch makes no sense since its a political statement about obama, comparing him too the joker. they are still trying too figure out what crime this is, at the moment this is vandalism, but i dont see them terring down all the garrage sale missing pet etc posters down too.
''The joker is immaginary from a comic book, he din't really steal 23.7 trillion of the american peoples money,but barrack obama and his criminal gang did and thats why they are the real jokers'' -Alex Jones
There is another contest, too see who can make the best video about these posters, heres the best one so far Obama poster video http://www.infowars.com/obama-joker-contest-san-francisco-bay-area/
This topic was made too hear youre responces but first and for most, too inform people.
here are some more joker poster videos
-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQXIayIdyDc -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXdvHjneig8(try too ignore the comic in the back lmao) -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e5dxxnxqpw -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVuUJx0rw84&feature=related
everything thats been hapening in america lately has been fascist, the loss of freedoms nationilisations the wars, and people are mixing this up with socialism.
Power is being centralized. The cycle is as follows - there is a crisis, media sensationalizes the crisis, government says it is the savior of the crisis, the people give more power to the government and say, "fix it for us".
9/11, recession, swine flu, health care.
What is happening is a relentless acquisition of power. And if you dare to oppose that, being accused of racism is just the start of what you'd face.
It's supposed to be humorous, I don't see anything wrong with it. Also, I don't get why they would put "socialist" under neath the picture. Either they don't know what socialism is, or they just decided they might as well bash it as well.
exactly. There just not fascist i mean this is a ****ing deomcracy.
america is a god damn republic, a republic is more advanced then a democracy
And Clinton? What about Reagan?
at this point they are all the same, it seems like your voting for diferent people but they are all the same, same goals etc, and every president since 1913 has been on a steady path too fascism, nationalising and increasing government power is not suppose too happen in america
I dont think Obams is Socialist, as much as extremely left wing. And if people are calling this 'Racist', then why are all the people bashing Bush not 'Racist'. It seems people dont have as many problems with this stuff when its attacking a white person.
He is far from Socialism. To call him a Socialist is...I can't think of a good word for there.
america is a god **** republic, a republic is more advanced then a democracy
A Republic is more like the Roman Empire. As I know they were corrupt, and had a expaninest greed. They used there power and armies to enforce law, and even banned the word "Peace". (Just somthing that popped into my mind).
Or, you *could* say the ancient Roman civilization was a republic from 509 BC to 31 BC, at which point it became an empire with Augustus Caeser as the first emperor.
I'm totally unfamiliar with the word "eace" being banned - but I wouldn't put it past some of the nutty emperors Rome had. Still, do you have a source you can cite before I just believe that?
I don't think the posters are racist. They're a political statement and not everyone is going the agree with a political statement. People are going to throw the race card around with Obama and no one can really stop them. What bothers me most I think is that the posters call him socialist. Wanting a government health care program does not make him a socialist. There are several countries that have universal health care that are not socialist. Trying to keep companies that provide jobs to Americans from going down the tubes doesn't make him a socialist or a thief it makes him just another person whose concerned about the U.S. economy, albeit a person in a position to try to do something about it. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I like all these things, but I don't totally agree with the position expressed by the posters. There are always those who don't like what a president is doing, and in this country we have the right the express our feelings about the government. If people feel the need to tack up posters of Obama painted up like the Joker then that's fine, they just can't expect that everyone will agree with them. I don't see it as vandelism unless people are putting them up in inappropiate places (on people houses who don't want them, on businesses that don't want them, on schools, churches that haven't given permission, that sort of thing).