This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I say Xbox. i have owned all 3 and can say that the xbox is the most fun for online gaming. bieng able to party chat, faster updates, earlier DLC, HALO, larger online community, controller fits your hand better,
Halo this, Halo that. You know, the PS3 has games that the Xbox doesn't too? How does the controller fit your hand better? All three console controllers work totally fine in me. I don't feel uncomfortable.
It does, every console hard drive need to have all of the requirements to run a game with high graphics, why do you think Wii games look like Wii games?
When I say graphics, I mean like if you put in a copy of Black Ops on each console, it would look the same.
is there even a contest? Wii? please. psn got hacked a month ago, 360 is the way to go
Yeah PSN(Playstation Network) got hacked a month ago but it's back now. And with X Box you have to pay to sign up for X Box Live but with PSN it's free.
XBoX 360, it have more games than Wii and playstation. It uses Windows mesenger and windows media player.
"Yeah PSN(Playstation Network) got hacked a month ago but it's back now. And with X Box you have to pay to sign up for X Box Live but with PSN it's free."
No, to sign up for XBoX Live you mustn't to pay! To register XBoX Live account you must only visit or register in xbox menu. But if you want a gold status (For multiplayer and more usables) you have to pay just 70 $.