Eww, PS3 fanboys.
Not at all. This is what the Xbox 360 fanboys resort to saying when they've lost a discussion. The PS3 fanboys do it as well when they can't discuss things properly, but notice how we're not insulting you guys and we are actually providing things, while you guys are posting pathetic arguments and continuing to say "OMG, Xbox 360 is the best because it is!!!!1". I play both consoles daily, so I'm obviously not a fanboy - I don't go out and say "OMG, PS3 IS THE BEST EVER!". Not at all, you're just neglecting the facts of each console because you think the Xbox 360 is perfect. And before you argue the same, I don't think the PS3 is perfect, I know there are flaws, but there are fewer of them, and they're not as major as the ones on the Xbox 360.
Ok so can someone tell me what gaming features the PS3 has that the XBox doesn't?
There's one major thing that makes gaming on the PS3 better: The free online. And before you argue that Xbox Live is better because you have to pay for it, it isn't. It's not better in any way. The difference is that you have to pay to play, and that is all.
they do have more features, yes skins are a feature, and that's just one more that PS3's don't have.
It's a feature, but not an important feature nor a gaming feature. The only thing it gives you is some eye candy, as with most things regarding the Xbox 360. Most arguments I see from Xbox 360 enthusiasts is that they like the system more because it's more colorful and pretty to them. However, that doesn't matter one bit. These consoles are made for gaming, and some extra features like the Internet browser on the PS3, Netflix on these consoles, and those other things are bonuses. Gaming is what matters, and with the Xbox 360 you have to invest more money into the system just to play - paying for online, continuously purchasing batteries or buying more controllers if you don't want that, the console scratching disks so you either have to pay for another game or get an expensive disk cleaner, and the around 50% failure rate of the Xbox 360. So you see, the PS3 doesn't have these issues - the online is free, you charge the controllers, it doesn't scratch your disks, and the failure rate is extremely low. And yes, those things do matter with gaming because you require those to actually game and they have things to do with gaming.
So, if they have the same gaming features, then you look to other features, ie. skins, avatars, parties. PS3 is the ghetto man's console.
Yeah, because wasting time and possibly money on avatars and skins makes a console better, right? That makes no sense whatsoever. And you can have parties on the PS3, as I've said before.
There you go, the whole 'free internet' argument.
At least his argument holds more water than yours; you're arguing that the Xbox 360 is automatically the best console because of some eye candy like skins and avatars. Come on now, actually think about your argument.
so, once again. What features does the PS3 have that the XBox doesn't? Pray tell.
All I can say at this point is learn to read. I've posted several times regarding this question.
Maybe the exclusive games can clear this debate up.
The exclusive games are very important for the consoles; however, will you enjoy paying all that extra money and worrying about your console overheating? If so, then more power to you. I don't mind at all if you would like to waste hundreds of dollars to play a console and possibly wasting more money if your console fails. This is why I prefer the PS3; it doesn't fail as often, I don't have to shovel out a lot of money just to play some games, and I enjoy the exclusives on the PS3 more than the Xbox 360. However, that doesn't mean that I think the Xbox 360 is automatically garbage, I still like the Xbox 360 for some exclusives, but that's it - I don't see any other point in this console other than some exclusive titles.
The PS3 is also less interactive so maybe that's why it's free.
Less interactive how? I take it you mean less interactive as in they don't have the useless things such as avatars taking up space. If so, then yes, but that doesn't matter. I use a console for gaming and some extra things like browsing the Internet on my PS3 and even watching movies.
The Xbox design is even better while the PS3 just looks boxy.
It is? I didn't realize that having three giant fans, a finger print magnet, and a giant slash on the top of the system was so appealing to people. How astonishing. Well, good for you if you prefer that ugliness. The PS3 is simple, which is why I like it; two buttons on the front for power and ejecting disks and a nice disk tray that takes in disks. It also doesn't have three giant fans that make tons of noise while playing; it has one fan on the back (where it's supposed to be, not on the sides and on top) and it makes little to zero noise while playing.
Everything comes out earlier with COD on Xbox too.
Not everyone out there is a fanatic about a repetitive game that has been done to death.
The worst thing with the PS3 could be the controller...making such a big deal over the controller when it came out, when it looks almost the same and no huge differences with PS2 controllers.
This is rather hypocritical to say because the Xbox 360 controller isn't that different from the Xbox controller. Only difference is that it has a slightly different formation and they took off the white and black buttons near the bottom or top. And the PS3 controller is fine as it is. Notice how I said fine, not great or the best, fine. To make it better they could make it a bit larger or even have different sizes for people to choose from, but otherwise it's decent enough; it's a symmetrical controller and the only people who should be complaining are those who have very large hands.
And about the person who hates the controller skins: it makes the Xbox more customizable while the PS3 is not.
A useless customization since it doesn't offer anything important; it's only eye candy. It doesn't improve the controller at all. But if you want to argue skins, the PS3 has different color controllers. Yes, it's not the same as a skin, but if you're going to use this argument then there's no use in arguing about it.
They don't care about customization
Yeah, we don't have a very short attention span and a high desire to dress and customize a virtual character and waste money on controller skins.
Important:This post will be ignored by the fanboys/most people here and they will continue to post their pathetic thoughts because they can't bother actually looking into the specifics of each console. It's a wonder this thread is still open.