This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
PS3 seems like just a bad idea. I mean sure, the PS2 was wonderful, but even then the normal XBoX was better than the PS2 in my opinion. I think more developers make games only for the 360 just because of its online multiplayer. And has anyone heard the Bluetooth Mics on the PS3? They sound TERRIBLE!!
And has anyone heard the Bluetooth Mics on the PS3? They sound TERRIBLE!!
And has anyone heard the ignorance of this guy? He is TERRIBLY good at being ignorant!!
Anyway, on PS3 you can use any bluetooth mic you can get, and some newer "wire" mics. You can even use the Xbox 360 mic. the same goes for cams, you can use any cam on the PS3 even the Xbox 360 cam.
On the 360 you can only use the official mic and cam made by M$, no other mics or cams, I repeat no other!! (Typical M$ way to make money)
And has anyone heard the ignorance of this guy? He is TERRIBLY good at being ignorant!!
Well I'm sorry. I wasn't informed, and I didn't feel like doing any research but anyway, I don't really like the stock mics on any of the platforms. and @owen, the gaming headsets are marvelous.
PS3 & XBox 360 are formidable competitors, but isn't the Wii slightly out of league here? I mean all three share the "motion sensitive" criteria, agreed; but if you compare the graphics, gameplay, games, addictiveness levels, the Wii falls behind. It's good for playing with my 5 yr old cousin though. But if I want some hi-graphics gore action, I'd go for the PS3. Yea, I'm a PS3 fan. PS2 before that. Simply because I've always played on a PlayStation & rarely on the XBox series. I love the amount of games, the interactivity, multiplayer features...etc etc. Don't have much idea about the XBox but I hate it that Sony & Microsoft are rivals & we'll (Ps3 owners) never be able to play Halo unless we buy an XBox or go to a friend's.
My vote goes to PS3. Why? Because Xbox 360 and Wii don't offer enough RPGs (which I like) like PS3 does. I really don't know anything about the hardware or online support, just RPGs. That's my main focus when buying a system - which one will have the most and best quality RPGs down the road.
wii is good because you don't always have to sit and put your hands on your controller all day you actually can physically move your body not just your fingers. xbox360 and ps3 have more features but wii is my vote.
Xbox 360 all the way. First of all the Wii is no competition. Lots of people say PS3 because of the free Live and BluRay player. The truth is, Sony took most of Microsoft's ideas when making the PS3, The only differnce really is the free Online play. I don't really seem why you would need a BluRay Player on a gaming console. Why not go buy a BluRay Player instead of getting it with a console. All in all, I believe the 360 is better, but of course that's just my opinion. I do NOT hate the PS3, I just believe the 360 is better.