This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
i think box is just way better because it has betta online but you have to pay that's a downside but hey, it is preeeety cheap 50$ for 1 year that means 3 years of it is 150$ i have all 3 but still wat i said before box is betta
meh i think this whole better live stuff is just starting to become a rumor spread by all the xbox 360 fanboys. Now a days, i dont think its true. Considering that when i play on my friends xbox 360 for mw2, it looks like everyone is lagging when you get into the game. (connections at like yellow or light green all the time).. Yet when i play on my ps3, i always get into a game extremely fast and majority of the time i have a dark green (full bar) connection.. And alot of the times its the same with rock band 2.. Its just xbox 360 guestimating that their population is bigger, when its most likely actually around the same. Just ps3 has alot more of the older generation playing (18 +). And xbox has alot of the younger generation (5-17) playing. Which is why armorgames is run by xbox fanboys.
Ok, I'm going to put it like this.Wii is for children, so Wii is out of the competition.PlayStation 3 and Xbox left.And the winner is... Yes, that's right, PS3! First of all, PS3 has unique games.By that i mean, some games that come out for PS3 don't come out for Xbox, like God Of War 3(Which will be GREAT), Gran Turismo etc. As for the graphics, they are almost the same i think. And another thing, PS3 is more original, he dates back from 1996(Correct me if I'm wrong) when the first playstation came out. Nobody played Xbox back then. From then till now all the best games came out for this console.
Xbox360 is oriented more towards mature and the self-proclaimed "hardcore" gamers, with a wide variety of great FPS's and Survival Horror titles. Xbox Live is also an unarguable benefactor to the 360's great quality.
Wii is an all-round good console, for kids who enjoy playing cute games (that everybody can enjoy, not only the little kiddies) all the way to mature gamers with games like "House of Dead: Overkill". Considering I actually own this console, I agree with Yodadude53 that it's a casual game system and I think it's a very good one.
The Playstation 3... well, I don't know much about it, but ever since Move was announced, it went down in my best regards. C'mon, even the Move ads look almost identical to the Wii ads, especially the ones that feat. WiiSports. In our days, everybody's a Waggle-imitator.
PS3. Wii has never been a serious gaming system, too casually-based. Xbox still has many people who use glitches and cheats. PS3, despite Home never being complete yet, still has a solid trophy system, along with reliable and free Playstation network. As I previously stated, PS3.
This topic can be debated forever. I only own a PS3, and i have to say that i am completely satisfied. Almost all my other friends have x-boxes so if i ever need to play halo i can just hop on over and play. The major draw back on an x-box 360 is its costly internet and red ring of death. Major draw backs for PS3s are lack of owners, and cost. PS3 internet is just as good as xbox360, at lest in my experience. I also have a Wii, and it is great at what it was designed for, family fun, and moving for controls. As i said this can be debated and talked about for ever, and i have only scratched the surface of all 3 consoles. I do wish i had a better and faster computer. Mine can barely support the graphics on tiberium wars, and cant support Act of war at all, to bad their expensive.
people i know say the XBOX 360 is the best.i do not own one but,from what i have seen they are to complicated for me.multiple profiles and shared saved data is to much for me to remember.i own a PS# and WII,but the wii is just gay,and just like the other guy,i am totally satisfied.(and i have the same kind of friends)lol
now I say Xbox (for call of duty and halo 3. it could go on forever) Wii next for brawl(although noone is ever online) and Ps3 in dead last. I say ps3 in dead last because you cant play ps1 games and now I know what your thinking "WTF YOU DOUCHE?" well i personnally think that because you cant play ps1 games its basicly pretty crappy now I know what else your thinking "wow your a serious douche" well, I think that taking ps1 games away is like bringing tapioka to a pudding party, or a yogurt to a Jell-0 party. you get the idea right?