This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
PS3 easily because i have played the xbox 360 and it is not as good but the online speed is better than the ps3 so if 1 had to win i would say ps3 but xbox 360 is close second wii is definitely last as it is only good for a couple of months and then you get bored of it because it simply requires too much effort. i can say this because i own a ps3 and a wii but i no longer have a xbox 360
Definitely Wii for variety of game selection. As far as I can tell, most of the games everyone likes for the PS3 and the 360 are just none-too-creative variants on the theme of "shoot everything in sight, now with added gore!"
wii is better for ppl 7-17 because it has more user-friendly games and an easier layout. also, the games are mostly rated teen or below (like mario and zelda games).
360 is better for ppl over 20 with more 1st person shooter games and realistic games.
ps3 is an over-popular knockoff falling behind with technology, and sony should stick to cameras
xbox 360 all the way ya ps3 got built in wi-fi and free online gaming but the con trols are tiny and retarded I personaly think the WII is really dumb because of the games it has like my sims stuff so xbox 360 all the way.
Well I own a Wii and an Xbox 360 so I'll only comment on those two.
1. Wii The wii is fun. Plain fun. Brawl and Mariokart are my favorite games on the Wii. The games are fun and awesome to play with friends. However the motion sensors frequently lag out and sometimes the game has graphical glitches. This is just a theory but I think nintendo focused too much on the motion sensors and less on the graphics. I think I would have liked it a lot more if they had just taken maybe one more year to release it. During that year they would have worked on the motion sensor and the graphics. Overall 7.5 out of 10
2. Xbox 360 I have the Xbox 360 Elite. The Xbox has some advantages the Wii doesn't. It has been around longer. It also uses tested technology while the wii was a next-gen system. The Xbox 360 has games that would be no fun on the wii. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Halo: Reach (Soon W00t!), Toy soldiers (an arcade game) Red dead Redemption, and MANYmore. However the Xbox 360 does not have motion system (Yet, Kinext is coming out this holiday). But the graphics are better and the controller is easier to handle. It can also play movies. Overall 9/10
WII FTW [i] I mean come on how often to you get to swing your controler?I admit, that the others have new values. In my mind, the Wii, is the begining of a new gaming age.
Big deal , Wii sucks @ss. Who cares if it's motion sensor controllers?
Xbox 360 has Kinect , Where you don't need any controller , Just voice recognition and a webcam thing like the PS Eyetoy. It's a lot like the eye toy.
i think ps3 is the best because its controller doesnt break often(xbox 360's controller always breaks)and its not so complicated(xbox is complicated).Also It doesnt have the same games with xbox 360 and it has cooler games.