This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Subtract $15. Who cares? Thats the price for a new game anyway.
Exactly. You could buy a WHOLE NEW GAME with the money you spend on Xbox Live.
Also LIVE is wayyy better than PS3's cheap online.
It's not $65 / year better. It's really not much worse.
Hmm.... What "best games" are you talking about? Killzone fails and Uncharted 2 was released last year.
I quite enjoyed Killzone 2. Also, Gran Turismo 5 is coming out in a couple days, while LittleBigPlanet 2 arrives in January. Then there's inFamous 2 in February.
And move is a sorry attempt to copy the Wii, at least the Kinect doesn't require a controller, since you are the controller.
Move works quite well actually, and why not have PS Move over not having it? What is the PS3 losing by adding something? And all this crap about "copying"... that's how the video game industry progresses. Every new console copied the first console. It's like movies, or music, or television. They all use ideas and inspiration from the last great thing and make it their own.
well it seems theres alot of people that like ps3 over xbox 360 and wii and im starting to wonder if everybodys picking ps3 cuz well everbodys picking ps3 anyways my pick is xbox because in my opinion has a better online experience yet the "xbox live marketplace" isnt the best way to save a couple of bucks because you need to "buy to buy".Ps3s online is free but i havnt seen a a good exclusive in a while and every game that comes out for both xbox and ps3 xbox always seems to have the most activity,and as for the "laystation store is actually better than the xbox 360s cheap but anything big to download will take quite a while.As for the wii i dont have one but my cousins do and its kinda interesting you cant download music or games i think but theres limited online play i think and the controller can be confusing at times.
Xbox 360 4 L1F3(not really but you get the idea) =)
Oh no, this is a never ending topic that I find on most forums. Might as well provide my thoughts: They're all really nice. PS3 has the best quality graphics, Xbox has an impressive game selection, and Wii is very innovative and creative.
I'd have to go with microsoft (Xbox and Xbox 360). Just because it has more "Specialty Games" meaning Halo and other games. The PS3 has them, but they're not that great in my opinion. I have a Wii but i think a lot of the games are more family oriented. I know there is shooters but the sensor is extremely sensitive and you can't hold your gun still. PS3 does have the "Wand" which allows it to play shooters while "Kinect" only allows body movements but it probably won't be long before they have a controler for it. And the biggest difference of ALL. You have to pay for Xbox Live and on PS3 you don't. So really its just a matter of financial state. PS3 is more expensive than an Xbox 360 but online is free. Xbox 360 is less expensive but you pay 45 dollars for a whole year of Xbox live. Just another concept, PS3 has blue ray while Xbox 360 has only dvd. PS3 has better graphics, but with an old, crappy, or just downright bad tv your graphics won't really work. same goes for Xbox. I have an Xbox 360 and a Wii and a lot of my friends have a PS3 and say its a good console. Personaly I'd only get the original PS3 if i could find one, just because they play PS2 games and i have a BUNCH.
Xbox 306: gaming system that is showing its age, great online experience excellent software PS3: Excellent graphics, sound, games, basically a full blown super power computer, load times are moderately slow, online experience is fine WII: great for 1st-4th graders, horrible everything, a big trap, though great for young children, old people, and families with young children. Not for people who like games
I think 360 is best it has halo and gears of war, wii only had super smash brothers and ps3 only has uncharted the only thing thats really bad is the red ring
I personally believe that the ps3 is the best system out there graphics wise. Durability would be the Wii. Worst system i would have to say is the xbox 360. All 3 of these systems are top competitors in my mind. The 360 is the only system i have ever had a problem with. Hackers and modders in games and overheating. I cant play basic games without it over heating. Wii is just really durable nothing special in my mind. Although it seems they were the most advanced with censors now everyone else is making them. They will end up coming out with the next top of the line system. Ps3 is my top choice because i have had no problems with it. All the games i play are smooth and graphics are great. No hackers or modders sense i have started playing on it unlike the 360. And i think the gamers online are a bit more skilled in some games.