This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I was just being sarcastic. But I pretty much agree with this
Kinect does have some good games. But most are just there for it to increase the popularity of the kinect. I'd rather have some great games in quality then have bad games in quantity.
So... you're going to sit there and tell me that having a system with better graphics(blu-ray), controllers that don't require batteries, low failure rate, disk tray that won't scratch your disk, better hardware and software, great exclusives, free online gaming and web browser is making the PS3 all around bad?
That doesn't make any sense. All the things that I just said makes it a great system.
With kinect they beat ps3 move. Only wait for some awesome games on it:
You just said that the Kinect beats the PS3 move. And after that you said to wait for some awesome games. To me that just means that the games on the Kinect aren't worth the purchase. I'd rather wait for the PS3 move and Kinect to have more magnificent games then I'll think about investing into them. For now though I am not going to speak about them because they are new features and have yet to be discovered. The Wii is better then the Kinect and the Move at the moment. That's one of the categories that the Wii gains a victory in.
I prefer playing Xbox 360 than PS3 or Wii although I don't have one. But if I compare Kinect, PS3 Move and Wii, I would say Wii is much better. Kinect games are not good. And I am not interested in it. I would prefer buying a normal Xbox
To make it short: - Wii is for kids - Xbox is for people who enjoy paying to play online - PS3 is for people who enjoy hi definition and a safe, long lasting console.
PS3... free online, great graphics, now has move = wii gets pretty much the same games as xbox other then halo.
Xbox Downsides... Huge Controllers, Graphics arent as good as PS3, very expensive online, Very odd controller button placement.
Wii Downsides... Not much of an online community, OK GAMES , not very good graphics. Kind of kiddish games you could say, fun once and a while to play mario or DK, but kinda kiddish/boring games.
Some of u are probaly like, zomg he didnt post the upsides for Wii or Xbox and didnt post downsides for PS3, well i didnt feel like it, but if you want me to compared to PS3... PS3 downside is overheation... Xbox pluses are its the only consle with halo -_- ( srry couldnt think of anything better ) oh it has kinect as well Wii Pluses, gets you active, first gaming console that used a motion sensor in a way, games arent expensive :P
People shouldn't buy a video game just to get them active. And it doesn't even burn as many calories as it supposedly says. The best thing to do is to actually go outside. I don't need a video game to tell me to exercise.
Huge Controllers
That should be an upside to most people. Since most have larger size hands and compared to the PS3 the Xbox's controller is more comfortable.
very expensive online
I didn't know a couple dollars a month was 'very expensive'. All the price is a month is about what? Five dollars. That wouldn't be recommended though. Nor with the silver subscription for about twenty dollars. If you were to add it up for a year the best deal is with the Gold subscription for fifty dollars. How convenient for Microsoft right? Making the most expensive one the most convenient.
- Wii is for kids - Xbox is for people who enjoy paying to play online - PS3 is for people who enjoy hi definition and a safe, long lasting console.
All of those sound like ignorant statements. You didn't include any of the great or bad features of each console. You basically just said "Xbox and Wii suck, PS3 is best."