This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Playstation 3 has proved time and time again that it IS the best. The graphics are better than Xbox 360 and Wii is not even in the graphics contest. Playstation 3 brought a new innovation into the gaming world with the Sixaxis controller function. Xbox 360 [b]still hasn't innovated at all. Wii innovated quite alot with their system but really all it did was copy the Itoy from SONY alot earlier, so no innovation there. Playstation 3 brought the world free online play and worthwhile games. It also has many exclusives and will definately have many more i.e. Kingdom Hearts 3 and Naruto[s]. When you truly dissect it, SONY's Playstation 3 wins hands down.
I like Xbox more , because it exclusively has the Halo series and this is in my opinion the best game series to this day. Also, the ps3 has really annoying controllers compared to the xbox's i.m.o.
XBox360 is the best. You can play fun games. My favourite thing about it is the Kinect. The second best is the Wii and I wish Playstation 1, 2 and 3 were never made.
Yeah, I wonder why you are saying this. Probably because you already know that they are better than the other two & also you're angry about it somehow. That's no reason to wish they were never made. Make some more logical points in the thread by providing reasons.
PC wrecks all 3 combined. I sadly have a Mac and I want to get an at least decent gaming computer so I could have a solid connection and have enough power to run the games smoothly.
PC: Can Support massive amounts of players at once. Battlefied 3 coming Fall this year will support 64 player online. THATS REDONKULUS. Xbox and PS3 are rumored to have only 24.
PC games off steam can be as low as $9.99. Xbox on demand for games is in the $10-50 range and I don't even know if PS3 has a games on demand option. (correct if im wrong)
PC offers games like Team Fortress 2 which are so kick *** it isn't even funny. If you have a good connection, no problem and between games you can check Facebook or do whatever you want.
Play Station 3 is the best, the graphics are amazing, the games are great (God of War, Metal Gear Solid) and you can connect the PSP on it. The Xbox360 also is good, but all the games that I want to play for Xbox are avaible for PS3, except Left 4 Dead. And the Wii is ridiculous, the only good game I've played on it was Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but it get boring after a while... So, for me, PS3 is the best video game
wii last place (waaaay too little kiddy) xbox360 second place (pc buggy) ps3 1st place (it was made by the holy technology producer known as sony, plus it just plain out rocks). No questions asked.
PS3 First it has better controllers it saves energy instead of using batteries second of all you don't have to pay for online. And it has better graphics.