This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I'm sure there are mature people on the Xbox community. Since well, I, and many of my friends play on there sometimes.
now that i think back on it, we mostly played halo and CoD online. but there was onetime where we played the battlefield badcompany 2 demo. everyone actually worked as a team rather than killing eachother for the power weapons and sniping spots. you also wouldn't hear some flame war going on over the mics just because one guy took a weapon that somebody else was going to take.
xbox360 is definitely my favorite of the 3. i know that playstation gives free online play and all... but xbox has better games, including the halo games. (because they are microsoft production games, they are only on microsoft consoles) i can afford the online so thats no problem but the games, are so worth it!
It doesn't matter who wins, xbox and wii will be destroyed when agent comes out exclusively for ps3.
A single game does not make a console better than the others. In your perspective, yes. But stating something like that as fact is wrong.
Playstation owns Xbox, its got free wifi and you have to pay for the xbox live
I could very well say the Xbox 360 owns the PS3 because it has free WiFi and has excellent online gameplay. I guess that means the Xbox 360 wins automatically because of those two things.
Ps3 owns because it has superior graphics and games. Example:kill zone 3 and for the x box u hav to. Pau for online gaming, with the ps3 it's free!
Graphics are the last thing that I, and many people that I know check with consoles. We see graphics as an extra bonus. If you go out for consoles just for the graphics, then have fun playing a horrible game. Saying that it has superior games is like me saying Photobucket is better than ImageShack. It's an opinion, and shouldn't be stated as fact because it's wrong. Paying for online isn't a big deal. It's only five dollars a month and sixty dollars a year, if I remember correctly. If you can't give out that much money for a better online experience, then you are really cheap.
Also for people who obiviously never played on wii and says its good only for taking exercise: you should learn to not rate wii by f*****g Wii Fit (with useless unnecerasary crappy board which you dont need) and Wii Sport (made just to show motion controls) In fact most of best games like Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda or No more heroes almost dont use motion contorl.
Really People? I like the 360 best, but just because all my friends have them. The best part of any game is playing with friends, so I like what ever has most of my friends playing. Oh and by the way, PC's are definitely the best when it comes to graphics.
The only one of these game systems I have is a Wii but from what all my friends say I am going to have to say X-Box. No offense but PlayStation got hacked and Wii just sucks.