This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
But it seems like your basing your info off it a lot. And why does the dashboard matter? Bother are easily navigable, the Xbox just takes longer to load.
ok really? ps3. I'll even tell you why. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PS3-> free network _ blue ray system, so better graphics _ free rpg (Home) _ easier controller to use _ immune to "red ring of death" (unlike xbox360)_ has trophies _ you can get a ps3 controller + one that handles like an xbox360 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xbox-> has left4dead (1+2) _ has kinect (better than ps3 move/eye) _ cheaper system(without live) _ the consle has an avatar _ has trophies __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wii-> better for younger children(not a lot of "M" games) _ more active gameplay _ You can create yourself AND play games as him/her__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ see?
See, for hardcore gamers (me) you should go with xbox, most ppl, best online, game add-ons (map packs usually) come first, overall better everything compared to PS3, for a kind of not-so-hardcore-gamer go with a PS3, because hey, free online. But the Wii? The Wii makes it impossible to be a "gamer" because its like impossible to do many shooting games, such as CoD 3. So the Wii is for the causal gamer. [b]OVER ALL: XBOX-Hardcore Gamer, PS3- Normal Gamer, Wii-Causal Gamer (in a sense). So if u wanna play some pvt on MW2 (soon to be mw3) or black ops, msg me my gamertag is xMr Unicorn
I have a ps3 and wii. The ps3 has a simple menu its easy to chat and to play games and it has better games than 360 and wii like infamous and killzone.
Personally I believe the PS3 is a far superior console. I am not biased about this as I own a Wii as well. I find the online community for the PS3 is better, the Wii one tends to be too small or filled with little kids which THAT great. The Wii is meant to be a next-gen console yet it has the same graphics as a Nintendo Gamecube or PS2. This straight away reduces the Wii's durability in the war of the consoles. However the Wii has better multi-play but this is redundant if you live by yourself or have no siblings. Now the XBox 360 itself is a brilliant console boasting amazing games of the like Halo and Gears of War but it's online play fee is frivalous, the shape and discomfort in the controller is enough to put me enough from great features it may have to offer me. Although it's online play is superb, graphics are phenomenal but it's tendency to breakdown very easily is a real put-off for me. Now the mother of all consoles the [b][i]PS3, First off is its free online play. A huge surplus for many of its users. The graphics are beyond measure. The ability to play blu-ray discs save you a good £200-350. Of which can be used to buy the many exclusive games, e.g. God of War, MGS4, etc. It's high definition and 3D graphics will literally blow your face away. Although the PS3 is more expensive it is better in the long run.
[quote]Xbox360 is my choice i love it. great games and great graphics. I dont have a ps3 so i have no idea how good it is but i assume xbox360 is way better
You cant assume the xbox is better, u got to try it first then have a bash it wich one is better, there is no logic in that sentence
I'd prefer playing Xbox cause it has better graphic in my opinoin, but Live is free on PS3 which makes that good as well(though i dont have a PS3). I own a Wii, much all together isnt that good and my xbox, which i play if im not on armorgames
if i may display my opinion, i would say xbox360 is very unreliable and the controls are horrible, meaning the controller buttons are space weirdly and just all over weird for me, i dont really find halo all that fun and paying for online puts me at a distance to play it. now i love playing ps3 because ive played for sony since PS1, i love their free online and im just used to playing it. WII, has amazing graphics and well idk if you buy all those exercise games you can get off your butt and burn some pounds but the all over sense of being a gamer is gone because of the controller. i meet about in the middle for ps3 and wii.