This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
i played them all.. i own a xbox 360, ps 2 and psp.. i actually loved xbox the most.. just something about it.. wii is cool but gets booring after a while.. lets just say pc is the best because u can do everything with pc xDD.. even tho there is no pc in tht questsion
the playstation 3 free online is so much better, but the controller is terrible, i mean is that meant to be a trigger? the xbox controller actually kinda fits ur hands and feels more natural, whereas the PS3 controller is just boxy. i think the real winner is hooking an xbox 360 controller up to the computer, its the best
i own all 3 of the systems and i have to say that the ps3 is the best since you would have to pay for xbox live and i think ps3 has better games and the wii is good but A LOT of their games seem for younger kids
I have all 3 and personally they are all just as fun. I dont have any hard core games they are all mostly family games since being the older brother of 2 brothers and sisters any game that involves physically moving and not sitting on your butt only using your thumbs is always teh family pick every night.